The Dollar

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Chapter 2
Y/n's POV
This takes place 6 years after the last chapter. The year is 1899. Y/n is 15 almost 16 and so is Crutchie.

I was waiting in line to get my papes when a new kid in front of me told Mr. Weasel that he only gave him 19 papes. I'm not surprised, I'm pretty sure the Oscar couldn't count even if his life depended on it.

~Time skip~

I got my papes and headed over to Crutchie.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it may take a while to get to our selling spot. Don't tell the boys but I ain't been walking so good these days"

"Don't worry, your secrets safe wit' me"

We started waking to our spot when someone tripped Crutchie. I looked over it was Morris Delancey.

"What do ya want Delancey?" I helped Crutchie up and faced Morris.

"Nothin' sweet cheeks, just lookin' for some entertainment"

I punched him. "That entertaining enough for ya?'"

"No, maybe try again but instead of your fist make it your lips"

"Neva gonna happen Delancey" I walked away with Crutchie and made out way to Tibby's

"Extra! Extra! Bar collapses in Manhattan! You heard it hear folks!" I yell and wave a news paper around. I gentleman with a top hat hands me a dime and I give him a paper.

"Making up stories is getting borin' how bout' we spice our "story" up" Crutchie says.

"What do ya' have in mind?"

"2 poor orphaned siblings selling papes. One with a bump leg and one with a paralyzed arm"

"Sounds fun, let's do it"

Me and Crutchie go up to a woman.

"Excuse me miss. Me and my brother need some money. He's gotta bump leg and my left arm ain't workin'. Would you care to buy a paper for us?" I say.

"My goodness you poor things! Here have a dollar" She hands me a dollar and grabs a paper from my bag.

My eyes go wide and I show Crutchie the dollar.

"We're rich!" He shouts.

"Dis' is more than I's make in a day! I says we celebrate with some Tibby's"

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