Letter from The Refuge

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Chapter 6
Y/n's POV
This takes place right after Santa Fe (not Sante fe prologue don't get those confused please)

I climbed up to the roof and saw Jack drawing something. He had tear tracks on his cheeks and he was sniffling.

"You okay Jacky?" I ask.

"Yeah, I mean no, I mean- I DON'T KNOW Y/N" Jack snapped and started crying again.

"I'm sorry it's just, it's my fault Crutchie was arrested, its all my fault. THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF I JUST SHUT UP FOR ONCE"

"Shh, it's okay Jacky. It's not your fault, it's Pulitzers. This wouldn't have happened if he never raised the price of da' papes" I sit down next to him.

"Thanks Y/n, did I ever tell you you're like a sister to me?"

"You's remind me everyday" I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Ya' think Crutchie's gonna be okay?" I ask.

"He's a tough guy, I think he'll be fine"

"We kissed the other day, well it wasn't really a kiss cause he only did it to get Morris away but it felt real"

"Excuse me he w h a t. Once he gets out I'm gonna beat his ass"

"If you beat his ass I'm gonna beat your ass"

"Hey! Since when did I allow you to swear?"

"Since when did you become my mother?"

"Oh, quit your bawling"

"Nah, I think I'll keep goin'"


Crutchie's POV


It was late and I had just found a piece of paper and I borrowed a pencil so started writing a letter to Y/n.

Dear Y/n,

How are you, I'm okay. Guess I wasn't much help yesterday. Snyder beat me real good with my crutch. Oh yeah Y/n, this is Crutchie by the way. These here guards they is rude. They say jump boy you jump and your screwed. But the food ain't so bad least so far, cause so far they ain't brung us no food.
Ha ha.
I miss the rooftop. Sleeping right out in the open, in Jack's penthouse in the sky. There's a cool breeze blowing, even in July. Anyway, so guess what. There's a secret escape plan I got. Tie a sheet to the bed, toss the end out the window, climb down and take off like a shot!
Maybe though, not tonight. I ain't slept and my leg still ain't right. Hey but, Pulitzer he's going down! And then Y/n, I was thinking we might just go like Jack was saying. Where it's clean and green and pretty. With no buildings in your way, and you're riding palominos everyday.

"Once that train makes-"


"Damn this place"

I'll be fine! Good as new! But there's one thing I need you to do. On the rooftop Jack said that a family looks out for each other. So tell the fellas from me, to protect one another.

The end
Your friend

I crossed that out.

You're best friend

I crossed that out too and thought for a moment.

The one who loves you most, Crutchie

I blew out my candle, put the letter under my pillow, and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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