The Kiss Pt.2

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Chapter 5
Crutchie's POV
This is at the selling spot

When we got to the selling spot I apologized for kissing her.

"Hey sorry for kissing you's. I's just had to get Morris of our tails" I said.

"It's okay. I mean you's do what you's gotta do"

"Yeah, hey wanna come up with a new headline?"

"You betcha!"

"How about...." I flip through the pages of a newspaper.

"Oh! It says here pigeon escapes from cage. Who puts that in the papes?"

"I dunno but let's spice it up"

"Okay, how about ostrich escapes from cage"

"You are a genius"

We spent the rest of the day selling papes.

"I sold my last pape!" I say

"Me too. Wanna get some food?"

"Yea, I's is starvin'"

We went to Tibby's and got some food. After that we went back to the lodge, Y/n went to talk with Jack and I played go fish with Racer, Specs, and Elmer. Other than me having to kiss her and act like it was nothing, today was a good day.

The person who loves you most, CrutchieWhere stories live. Discover now