Thing of his you take when...

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full title: Thing of his you take while he's on tour.

Louis: His spekkled socks (if you knwo what this is from I salute you) he took them from you so you took them back.

Liam: A snapback because he doesn't wear his that much anymore

Harry: One of his necklaces you bought him it as a present so when he's on tour he leaves it for you.

Zayn: his leather jacket, you always wore it anyway so when he went on tour he left it as a surprise and said you could keep it.

Niall: His grey jacket (in his selfie around the time of his operation on instagram) it smelt like him and was massive on you so you hid it, not that he minded.

A/N: just a quick update cause I haven't updated in a while, planning to write a lot this weekend for you guys.

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