Chapter 21

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21 - Poor Excuses

•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•21 - Poor Excuses

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Dear Gammaliel,

I apologize that I have intruded your sleep when you received this. I admit it's an impulsive decision, but for merlin's sake I have a few things to address.

I hope you didn't take my insult of your muggle book earlier this morning. I wasn't in my best state
It has been such a rough week, and that I know it doesn't mean that I can spat on your 'token' (what ever that means) I'm sure it means so much to you.

And just as you are being discreet on possessing a muggle book at home. I had to do the same thing. I hope that you see my reasoning for not being able to speak what my mind wished to, and for that I'm sorry.

Eagerly waiting for your reply,


        Gammaliel curled her lips as she leaned against the chair inside her compartment. The Irish peered down to the letter, thinking that the boy might need someone to talk to while she was busy minding her pride — Ugh stupid! She clutched her hand to the letter tightly, pondering what Merlin said earlier that summer.

      She remembered Merlin's hoarse voice as he had described his trial to save Arthur in The Battle of Camlann. He chose to ignore details and jumped to conclusion that Morgan le Fay would bring the end towards it all. He ignored that fate, between life or death, was like a set of dominoes. It fell as life went on, and you could see the events affected one's fate.

      To prevent it to happen, to prevent Regulus from his death, Gammaliel had to notice these events. It was crystal, Sirius's runaway was a major change in Regulus's life. The Irish witch pursed her lips again, discerning her distress that seethed in her pretty mind. What's next? Would this war will be his next dominoes to fall?

       Zygo tossed her head back, staring away to the view beyond the window,  the gentle September breeze brushed her obsidian hair. Persephone might be the queen of hell, but she only meddled with the death itself. Not how to prevent one to lose earth's magnificent gift, that was the life itself. Ironic wasn't it, the queen of underworld was trying to stop one's deaths. But in the hand of an almighty goddess who could grow gardens of forbidden flowers in the depth of death's realm:

      It wasn't impossible to keep Regulus alive.

      Gammaliel cursed her mind, on how this blood of Merlin, gave her a gift to peer the future. And yet, not knowing what nor how to deal with it. A surge of annoyance materialized to disappointment. How did life become so unfair, she recalled Sirius's action. To her, he was selfish. True, it wasn't one thing to blame on one side. But it didn't mean that Sirius could get away with poor excuses.

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