Chapter 22

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22 - Slughorn's Elite

•❅─────────✧❅✦❅✧─────────❅•22 - Slughorn's Elite

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"I don't want to go, Marty." Gemma spoke softly as she wrote her ancient runes homework. The golden-haired boy breathed against her shoulder, feeling serene by her side. The Ravenclaw sat on the grass overlooking the dark forest and Hagrid's Hut. The sunshine was hiding between cotton clouds, chilling breeze brushed against the green grass made them waved to each passerby.

Martin rested his jaw gently on her shoulder as he peered down to the extraordinary purple letter on his hand. The neat handwriting was unmistakably from their Potion Professor, Horace Slughorn. The boy drew his lips into a line as he read the dinner invitee over and over again.

"But why not?" quipped the blond boy, arching an eyebrow at her. Gammaliel's eyes fixated on her homework instead, she exhaled sharply.

The girl shrugged, "Because why should I, I will not surround myself with people who would only talk about themselves. Flaunting their famous relatives, or family — why?"

McKinnon grinned, "But you have the greatest ancestor in the whole wizarding world! Come on, Merlin." said the blond teasingly, earning a smack on his arm while he snickered. She scowled tearing her gaze away, "I mean, why don't you give it a try?"

    "I'm not going if it would be just him asking about my brother. Or his attempt to get a first-class order of Merlin. I tell you what since my father signed the first class for Phineas Black there were wild rumors that the award could be bought." Gammaliel huffed, then tore her gaze to the sky, "I don't know if there will be other Ravenclaw in that dinner. What if I become an outcast?"

Gemma tore her gaze back to his cyan eyes as he snorted, "You won't. You know Damocles Belby, my roommate, he will be there too." the boy continued, "He's a cool guy, you can go with him if you feel strange to go alone —"

"I swear Potter!" came a voice from afar cut off Martin's speech, the two Ravenclaw shot their gaze away. Their gaze landed on a vermilion-haired girl was shouting to James Potter, "If I count to one and you don't fuck-off I'll hex you to the black lake!"

"He asked her out again?" Martin mumbled.

Gemma nodded, "Totally."

     The two Ravenclaws mustered their grin as they watched the two Gryffindors fought. Evans raised her wand promptly, while colors were drawn out of his face, "Come on, Lily-flower." said the Potter boy, "All I did was—"

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