Chapter 25

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25 - Promise

•❅─────────✧❅✦❅✧─────────❅•25 - Promise

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The moon was innocent, whole, bone-white as it glimmered between the darkness that watched over the Scotland high land. Wolves howling as the wind carried its resonance to echo between the woods, calling for company. On the other hand, the castle showed no sign of apparent being strolling in the corridor. Though, Filch swore he heard footsteps following and mimicked his steps in the dark. He narrowed his eyes at the absence of mischievous being, before looking away.

"Ouch Sirius you stepped on my foot!" the witch hissed as she winced, squirming underneath a cloak that James Potter stole from his father's wardrobe. "How could you three fit in this?"

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Well, your highness I'm so sorry that this isn't suitable to your liking." he began sarcastically, while she grunted, "Perhaps, you want to stay on my shoulder while we walk."

"I'm still mad at you." Gemma hissed, tore her gaze to the front, while James recognized they were nearing the Whomping Willow.

The ancient tree was moving its old branches as its leaves flew off to the ground. It was resilient, but once it was disturbed it would be ravaging — Potter confirmed it over a betting game on his second year, apologetically stating Fabian and Gideon Prewett were yanked mercilessly to the forest. They took off the invisibility cloak as they stood not so far from the tree, the two boys dashed their gaze to Gemma as a cue.

Her dark chocolate hair was saturated darker and darker matching the night sky. Each strain of her hair fused into feathers as dark as the night. The girl landed on her small claws, a pair of midnight wings and as she opened her eyes it was a bright azure. The raven shot up to the Gryffindors, almost instantly they transformed. One into a giant stag with large antlers crowning his head. One attacked the raven with its saliva filled tongue, she cawed.

"Ew, stop it! Before I claw your eyes out." said Nitewings, spreading her dark wings as a warning. The black dog whimpered out of dismay, plastering his puppy eyes. The stag stomped its fore-legs as a warning for the two smaller animals.

"Merlin, will you please do the honor." said Prongs, the stag stared away to the Whomping Willow. Nitewings followed his cue, she took rapid steps towards the tree. Her feet clawed the cold grass, azure eyes shot up to the large branches.

The willow tree remained calm, a sign that it didn't recognize the raven's presence and with that the raven swiftly moved to a gap under the root. She narrowed her eyes to find the knot Sirius meant, her eyes landed on the strange knotted root. She poked it with its beak firmly then shot her gaze up, and almost instantly the tree froze.

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