Chapter 27

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27 - Long Before Icarus

•❅─────────✧❅✦❅✧─────────❅•27 - Long Before Icarus

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Every wicked plan was formulated from a heart's desire, it would seem like a flawless idea to manifest soul wishes and whispers. But heart's desire was so— egoistical, crude, oftentimes ruthless. That was how Meadowes' initial effort to win her beau's heart turned into another.

Martin Apollo McKinnon was like the sun. The infamous wooer with a brain, and glistening golden hair that brushed by the wind messily. Came a time when witches of Hogwarts knew Sirius Black's eyes gravitated on a blonde named Marlene McKinnon. Eyes went to the sweet peach blond that was Martin. Unlike Sirius who would fool around with witches, the blond had a flaw.

His heart and soul had belonged to someone else. The sun would stroll the corridor with her like a satellite, and she was a star he was revolving to. He would look at her as if she bewitched him, the way James Potter besotted to Lily Evans. To his misfortune, the star never looked at the sun.

But when Meadowes saw an opportunity to revolve around the sun, to have him for her own, have his eyes and sweet smile for her she took it. And that was how eclipses occurred, when the sun couldn't adore the girl he fancied. Wicked, but that was a heart's desire, and the once innocent plan had become foul.

On the first day, Gemma paid no mind to her as she took over her seat creating a solar eclipse, and scrutinized McKinnon's face every meal. Passing day three, she paid attention that Meadowes had been humming before bed telling the Irish how Martin McKinnon was a blessing. A smile was formed as a pretense, while discomfort clinging to her demonic blood. Gemma couldn't talk to Martin on her own, he was too occupied by Meadowes' rant. She was nothing but a tree when Meadowes had her hands on him. On day five, the Irish witch wanted nothing but to curse Meadowes into an actual meadow.

Gammaliel bloomed to Persephone. Azure eyes filled with wrath and aqua flashed her vision, but she scoffed thinking her magic would be a waste to use. Instead, she got off her seat, elbowing her goblet of steaming tea as Johanna groaned at the sudden heat on her robe.

"What the hell, Gemma?" snapped Jo.

"Oops." she peered down to the fuming girl, her hand flew to her mouth as a shocking facade and she went on, "Oh, clumsy me. Perhaps next time you shouldn't take my seat."

Persephone's eyes cold as dagger, lips pulled into a dark smile— Gammaliel didn't exist at that pretense it was the queen of hell. And she, for once, flaunting her status to put peasant back in place. By that, the demonic goddess pivoted away, leaving a trace of azure hell-fire on the way her hair swinging behind her back.

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