Chapter 33

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33 - Aphrodite's Scent

•❅─────────✧❅✦❅✧─────────❅•33 - Aphrodite's Scent

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Aphrodite is a multifaceted deity—an ambassador of beauty, harmonious passion, and procreation. Yet mortal could never capture the goddess's charm, because beauty was a versatile concept, its ever-changing. Beauty could be hummingbird's summer twitter, fragile petals of velvet roses, or the rosy-tinted sunrays on grains of beach sands—beauty was various and limitless.

            In Hogwarts, agreed by many, beauty had taken the form of Sirius Black's in-breed genetic sequences. The charm of the rebellious boy was phenomenal: the melted metal eyes piercing like the moon between the wild raven canvas. Sunset hues settled on his skin, decorated with vivid lines of scar from quidditch. When he spoke oh his words held whimsical melody that melted girls to puddle.

But now, the charm worn-out. His eyes bore to his pale fingers, coldness prickled his dermis trying to shake the said boy back to reality. Lips parted and he blinked ever-so-slowly, stammering, "She, she — she said yes." he gulped, metallic eyes darted ingenuously to the Ravenclaws sat across him. "Brother-in-law, what should I do?"

The blond sat across him scrunched his face as his eyes peeled from his herbology book up to Sirius, "Stop calling me brother-in-law." groaned the boy once the Gryffindor beamed at him, "It's just a date, and bring her to puddifoot or something, mind you, we're trying to study!"

"Oh come on, why are you two studying in the great hall like a book nerd." Sirius rolled his eyes, then darted his gaze to the Irish, who was reading on theories of Bastet. "I need you to be supportive over here, what's the word—" he paused, scratching his hair, "Ah encouragement!"

Sirius knocked his fist on the table, his steel eyes searched through the great hall. Most of the students were grouping, in two-by-two arrangement—couples. The scent of chocolates and roses evaded the hall. Owls dropping posts of sweet messages and romantic gestures. Fumes of pink was roaming in the air—love and its suffocating affection.

Sirius was in the same ambiance once Marlene McKinnon agreed to go to Hogsmeade the following Saturday, Valentine's day.

       "You two are the only one who's not snogging each other in this table." chanted Sirius sullenly, huffing right after. Martin and Gammaliel looked away, feeling their cheeks burned.

"Three, count yourself in, Black." muttered Martin quietly, swallowing thickly at his thought.

The Irish chuckled awkwardly, darting her gaze to Sirius, "Well, shall I remind you that you sit on Ravenclaw's table, precisely fifth years, Pads." she exhaled, hands flipping to the next page, "We have O.W.Ls to worry about rather than experiencing snogging at the time being."

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