Chapter 15

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15 - Colliding Stars

•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•15 - Colliding Stars

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The past thirty days the Irish witch had hung out with Sirius more often. Excusing herself to Marty that the Gryffindor had agreed to teach her in Astronomy. It was a perfect rationale, since the Blacks family were known to excel in the said subject. She wondered was it because they were named after the star that their brain seemed to recognize the blazing object easily? Maybe.

The truth wasn't even close, she had a leaf in her mouth Kept at the bottom of her tongue, which Gemma had carefully tried not to swallow. As if it wasn't strange enough, she had to stay awake and muttered a spell every sundown and sunrise with a wand pressed to her chest.

The odd ritual went on, brewing a potion with Sirius Black in girl's lavatory in the middle of the night. After nicking ingredients from Slughorn's storage, the odd friends sat on the cold porcelain.

    "So who else knows this magic of yours?" Sirius questioned, flicked his wand to steer the cauldron, "Does, McNugget knows?"

     Gemma chuckled, nodding, "Yes, he does." she sighed, "But that wasn't the way you knew. He's a close friend of mine so my brother told him."

    Sirius hummed, "Old-magic, what's the different with ours — isn't just the same you still use your wand aren't you?" eyeing at the wand on her stashed book, Gemma nodded.

    "Old-magic is much more our connection with the nature. That's why I can summon thunder, wind or any elements — often times, it appeared when I'm not on a good mental state. Like when we were attacked." Gemma rested her chin on her knuckles, "I can use magic without wand, but my eyes will glow and everyone will ask questions. All of my family member had it, we Merlins became the last line of sorcerer. Its more of inheritance really."

   "Well fuck," Sirius groaned, "So you can't help me to summon thunder on Snivellus then?"

    Gemma chuckled. "No."

    After all their rendezvous, they finally came to the end of the process. The navy sky was loomed with grey mist, cloud grumble atop Scotland's High-land. Peals of thunders rained kisses to the ground. Round of silver flashes, wind spiraling above the castle. The cold air penetrated her skin deep until it reached her marrow, earning shivers from her body.

    "YOU SAY I WHAT?" the witch narrowed her eyes as she peered between the secret passage, wind blew her brunette hair behind her ear. Her heart beating as if it doubled, and pain tinged her chest.

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