Chapter 39

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39 - Akin To You

•❅─────────✧❅✦❅✧─────────❅•39 - Akin To You

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WARNING: Be advised this chapter will include mature content.

Grief was malicious. The loss was undiscerned at first as if a Fata Morgana flashed before them, but once a soul noticed voidness. It was the awakening of a violent monster, torturing the soul vindictively. It was a natal flaw that mortals were unable to process the voidness others completed easily.

         A space was empty and would never felt the same anymore. It was raining when the funeral was held, and thunder was almost non-existent in the murky sky. Gammaliel felt numb and powerless while watching the boat drowning in the sacred lake. The sad thing about having her turn peeked of hell was, she knew being dead at times like this was better than being alive. Death saved Fidelya, along with countless soul from wicked war torture. Gemma assured herself that Fidelya would be happy in Avalon, and would have a cup of tea with her daughter-in-law.

        She told herself that she would thrive being alone as an attempt to soothe herself, and yet pain indulged her being as a part of her existence. She knew it was inevitable and Gemma felt every jolt of senses and emotions she had left. It writhed within her system, turning the benevolent young witch into a masochist who enjoyed pain prickling her soul.

        The sunlight that poked through her fissured skin every morning felt volatile. Fidelya used to wake her up and rushed her for breakfast and told her where they would go that day. Alphard would be reading an unedited copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander complete with an autograph for the hundredth time. Laughter cracked their day in Merlin's mansion.

       Now, the glamorous mansion was completely empty within the walls of Isle of Glass—where it used to be the embodiment of heaven had become an empty limbo. Silver and Gold family crest in the shape of Rowan Tree was plastered on its wall. Right underneath it, a motto in old English was crafted: Ælan sy dreócræft (The source of light is magic).

Life was pointless, air was so light and yet stale as it held no meaning to be able to breathe for her. Perhaps, the only reason Gemma was not beheading her light was the hope Alphard was somewhere, and alive. It was the reason why the girl banished people when they spoke about Alphard's will.

       What of galleons and gold meant when she was completely alone? Parallel to what would an eternity meant when one's trapped in a foreign realm alone?

Although, one figure surprised her right after the funeral. Albus Dumbledore marched to the Isle of Glass and stood before the Merlins' Rowan tree planted in the core of holy ground. His blue eyes twinkled staring at the sacred tree, "Correct me if I'm wrong, Miss Zygo. It is believed that this tree can deflect dark magic."

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