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Tonight I chose a blue floor length dress with a thigh high slit, open back and sweetheart neck line. I dried my hair and braided it into a faux hawk hairy style, put on mascara and some lip gloss. I called Karen to see if she was ready and left to go get her. She had on a long black dress with a thigh high split and a v neck showing a lot of cleavage.
"Desperate are we? "
I laugh as she gets in giving me the finger. I blow her a kiss and off we go. We get there around 7:45 and I notice Jeremy's car there. I hope Jason isn't spying. This night doesn't seem like it will be any fun. Karen looks where I am looking and asks if everything is okay. I nod my head and put on a smile, I am going to try everything in my power to reel in Dominic, I may not fuck him tonight but I will fuck him. Not just to piss Jason off but to show him he does NOT own me. With a smile on my face we walk in and find a table. Dominic and his Beta walk in about 5 minutes after we sit, they get drinks and join us.
"Dominic this is my best friend Karen."
He smiles, shakes her hand and points to his Beta
"This is Kevin"
Once we smile and shake hands then the casual talk starts. Dominic leans over to whisper in my ear
"You have a young pup to the right that won't stop staring."
I look up to see Jeremy and a few jocks. I smile pretty and wave getting a glare in return.
"Oh him, that was my mate ,he rejected me for the blonde bimbo hanging on his arm."
Dominic looked alarmed and his head swivels back and forth between Jeremys girl and me. I couldn't help but laugh earning myself another glare. Just then my phone dings with a pic message. I open it and see a pic of me and Karen getting drinks, the message saying "what the fuck are you wearing." I look to see Jason sent it. So he has Jeremy looking in on me. I look up to see Dominic smiling at my phone.
"Is that the "not" boyfriend?"
I sigh and nod my head making him laugh.
"Not only is he the not boyfriend, he is the Alpha to be, and thinks that I'm supposed to be at his beck and call. I swear, you fuck a guy and cum once and it's like they can't leave you alone." I roll my eyes and say in the most sarcastic way I can earning a laugh from Dominic, Kevin and Karen. Dominic leaned close to whisper in my ear.
"I am eager to find out myself just how magical your pussy can be."
My cheeks burn bright red and I bite my bottom lip. Karen leans over and tells me she is going to the hotel with Kevin. I laugh and shoo her away and look back at Dominic. This man, my goddess this man. I can't help but wonder if he is rough or sweet or dominating. He looks over at Jeremy and Jason is now here. I huff a sigh and Dominic leans closer to me.
"I'll be at this address for the next week working with the Alpha pup and some new ambassador that he is bringing to start some negotiations, why don't you come visit sometime."
I take the address and smile at him,
"Well since we will be working together on negotiations then I think meeting at such a neutral place will be beneficial for both of us."
He meets my smile with one of his own.
"So you're the ambassador, young lady you and I are going to have a lot of fun, but for now I'll leave so that the Alpha pup doesn't get upset and fire you."
He kissed my cheek and got up to leave
"I will see you very soon."
"And I will be looking forward to it sir."
My heart flutters and my hands are sweaty. I finish my drink and get up to walk to my car. Time to go home. As I reach my car Jason comes up, grabs my arm and pushes me up against the car. He is glaring at me and it pisses me off.
"Jason I swear if you don't stop shoving me I'm going to punch you in your fucking face. What do you want I didn't do anything."
He just stared, blank face, trying to control his breathing.
"What did he say to you?"
"That he looks forward to talking about negotiations."
"Why did he kiss you?" He leaned forward and boxed me in between his arms.
"You know what, he was a gentleman, he kissed my cheek goodbye. He did NOTHING inappropriate and I do NOT appreciate you sending your fucking goons to watch me. Get this through your head Jason your are not my Mate you didn't even make me Delta. I am NOT your Luna. So quit acting like....."
"You are mine Dahlia."
I just looked at him fury raging through me. I push him back and start to strip.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
I see Dominic standing by his car with Kevin and Karen. She gasps out  and starts walking towards me, soothing words come from her
"Dahlia it's okay we can go back no need to shift...Dahlia..."
I step out of my shoes, naked body on full display. I push past Jason who is staring at me with lust and anger and I shift. My wolf is bigger then all the other females in the pack and more vicious. I have always been a good warrior, I don't much like fighting but I love to train. I hear an appreciative whistle from Dominic and I growl at him and Jason. Dana is on fire and wants blood, instead I turn us and effortlessly we run. I hear Dominic calling out to Jason
"Your ambassador is gorgeous even in wolf form, I'm going to enjoy her."
Then Dana took us farther away. I smelled the ocean, I wanted to go to my spot, listen to the ocean in the moon light, not have to deal with anyone.
I hated this feeling, why can't he just let me go, I'm not someone's toy or plaything. Being an ambassador will be great but I am no ones fuck toy.
We ran for close to two hours until we came to our spot. Dana let me have control as we shifted back to human form. Dana and I were more in tuned than most wolves, we shared,neither was in complete control.
"Why can't things just be easy."
I sit on the edge of the cliff, feet dangling and listen to the waves crash, the salt tinge in the air, and the light of an almost full moon shinning on us.
I smelt him before I heard him. He wasn't even trying to hide, rage and want forefront in his mind. Why did he have to follow and ruin this spot for me.
"What now Jason? I just want to enjoy this time not argue."
I laid on my back, feet still dangling over the cliff, I open my eyes to see him shift and walk over to me. He doesn't say anything just lays down next to me. We lay in silence for what seems like forever neither speaking. Finally his resolve gives and he turns to his side propping himself up on an elbow and looking at my naked body.
"If I marked you would you stay?"
I open one eye and look at him shaking my head
"If you wanted to mark me you would've even when I said don't. You don't want me as your Luna you just want to be the only one to fuck me. That's not fair to you or me. "
I rose up and look at him
"I enjoy being with you, when your not being an obsessive jerk, and the sex is great, but I do not enjoy being treated like a fuck toy that belongs to someone who doesn't want to mate with me. I would love to continue to be with you. Like I said the sex is awesome but Jason you can't keep me to yourself. You go off with other floozies and even though I feel a little jealous I don't cockblock you or blow up on you about you being MINE."
I huffed a sigh and laid back down. He stared at me for a few minutes before he leaned over and kissed me, a soft, sensual kiss.

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