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I Could Get lost In Those Deep Blue-Grey Eyes

Cat sorrow filled music continued to fill the space, but Bev looks as if she couldn't handle the stares from the Aussie strangers.

"Guys, I'm going to take a walk. Don't wait up for me." She says as quickly as she walks away.

"So who is the lovely lady playing the piano." The Aussie drummer says out as Cat stuttered a bit in her playing at the same time Mikey, the guitarist, followed after Bev.

Wait. They both had the same lilac hair.. and his name is Mikey... Holy shit and he's foreign! Was this guy the Mikey she was talking about? Why didn't she say anything right now? Why didn't she say anything when we watched the video?

Everything is making more sense now, her reaction when we said their band name, his reaction when I said ours.

I hope this doesn't complicate their relationship...

"Her names Cat, pretty boy." Jax states in a breathy voice while battering her eyelashes a lot more than normal.

Shocked by her forwardness, his cheeks tinted red but compared to Cats red face; he looked pale. Cat was a blushing mess as she ends the the song and tries to leave the piano. Trying to walk away from the drummer who Jax was currently flirting with.

"You're not going to stop this? You know, Ash from trying to talk to your pianist friend or your other friend from all her flirting. I mean Mikey already went after Beverly, I know you saw that. Are you just going to let this drama unfold in a way that's going to hurt your band?" The brown doe-eyed aussie whispers from beside me.

What was his role in all this? And his band. It's really starting to bug me that I don't know and I don't know why it's bugging me.

"It's interesting to observe, but I also don't know what to do to fix this." I whisper back as I continued to watch Ash(?) attempting at dodging Jax to talk to a retreating Cat.

"Well from the looks of it, you should pull your flirty friend away so that my boy can talk to the pianist. You know, be an active part of this. Life's more fun that way." He replied while walking towards Jax. 

As he started to flirt with her Ash looked relieved. He finally caught up to a retreating Cat who couldn't meet his eyes as she continued to blush out of control.

Interesting, he really is interesting.

"Um, yea he's weird like that." The lead singer comments snapping me out of my daze.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Calum, our bassist. He can be fun and the most mature at times. He's really interesting like that, you know... like you just said. Aloud."

"Shit, I'm sorry sometimes my inside thoughts become outside thoughts and.... I didn't mean it like that" I say a little shyly.

Wait. Me? Shy? I swear its the accent, they might be my biggest weakness.

So he's the bassist. With the process of elimination I should have figured that out.

"Your Anne-Marie? The lead singer?" He asks but my face must have visually cringed because he continued, "When Mikey mentioned Beverly was in a band we checked out your guys stuff, some of it is when you're in a small venue. Smalls not bad! Just something I noticed. Please jump in at any time.."

"Mar, that's what my friends call me. I don't like Anne or Marie."

"I'm Luke, the lead singer." he says with such confidence and an unwavering stare.

I could get lost in those deep blue-grey eyes, but he's competition. Since he's being friendly I could use that to my advantage.

"Ash, the guy who likes my friend Cat is your bands drummer?"

"His name is Ashton but we call him Ash."

"Mikey's your guitarist, and your the lead singer." I state.

"His name is Michael, and technically we all can sing. I also play guitar."

"Do you play rhythm or lead?" I question, my mind keeping track of the intel.

"Does it matter? We play music. What do you play?" He asks with a questioning look, like he saw what I was doing.

If I sacrifice a bit about our band maybe he might trust me again, and think that I'm into the mechanics of bands. It's worth a shot.

"Me and Cat actually alternate. So I play lead sometimes, but since Cats more experienced she makes all the cool rifts."

"Interesting, so are you the lead singer?" he asks, do I just tell him the structure of our band?

It's actually kind of easy to talk to him, we're both musicians. We both understand band jargon, that not everyone else can relate. Honestly, I've only ever talked like this with the girls.... it's refreshing.

"Not really. I just write the songs, I try to give us all something to sing."

"Wow a lead singer that doesn't want the spotlight, that's new." he says with a genuine grin, "I just thought all singers who can sing like you can would be, I don't know, a bit more narcissistic."

"What are you talking about? The other girls are great singers, we could all be lead singers." I  insist.

"But your Demi cover, that performance was.. really incredible. You have that thing that makes a professional singer a professional singer." He says.

"How did you watch that? We didn't even upload that song on our youtube page."

"Beverly told Mikey about your amazing performance and we all found it, some random guy uploaded it. You should give it a look, it has over 10,000 views." he says with a gleam in his eyes that made me flush.

That so many people saw me publicly shame my ex. I don't like Pete as a person but I didn't mean for this to happen. 

"Could you see um.." I ask embarrassed.

"The guy looking at the other girl, oh yeah. The camera guy made that drama very clear." he says before I cover my face in embarrassment.

So Luke wouldn't see my very flushed face.

"That's why we didn't upload it, I didn't want everyone to see that drama."

"Who is he? If you don't mind me asking."

"He's my....childhood friend?"

"Hey Mar." an all to familiar say.

I turned to find Jay and his overly charming smile aimed my way, and as he walked over towards Luke and I.

"Ready for our date love?" he asks with a very confident smirk.

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