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Our dream

"It's been four years since we started this band. This is the break we've been waiting for!" Bev says with a huge smile on her face.

Well we all have smile on our faces, and they've been permanently etched to our faces since Jay spoke to us the other day.

I still can't believe that Jay spoke personally TO US!

He is from my favorite band that I've loved for years. When he was sixteen, he joined the band 'For the Pure', which is when I discovered them. For a long time they only had exactly one hundred fans, which is hard to believe because they are freaking legends now. So 'For the Pure' always kept one on one contact with the fans which was easy to do because there was only a hundred of us. I always bought the band merch and sometimes they came signed or with a personalized message. I think some of their original charm came from the fact that they were very interactive with their fan base

The day before they were signed the band changed their band name to 'For the Hundred' for their original fans and they sent us, the original hundred, their first shirts with the new band name. Then they got really big and they couldn't keep tabs on original hundred fans. Which I understand, they're really big now.

I'm just proud to have been a part of the original hundred, and now meeting him in person... Well life can't get better than this.

"Yea Bev, that's true. However, I'm still hung up on the part where he said that he would like to see our last performance at the cafe. right before he left. Did you all see the wink he did when he said that or was it just me." Jax says with hearts basically shining through her eyes.

"Nope that is just your overactive imagination taking over reality." Cat says out loud, I think she's getting sassier the more we all hang out.

It's amazing.

Actually, that's how I met these guys. We were all part of the hundred, and the only ones in this area.

"I don't know Cat, it might have been real I mean he couldn't take his eyes off of our Mar. Lead singers always go for lead singers. Typical." Bev says while raising her eyebrows at me, as if she were hinting at something.

"Nope, it was probably you, Cat, or Jax. I'm not as fabulous as you guys." I replied playfully.

"I'm actually... taken." Bev with an even larger smile.

We all stared at her in awe.

"You owe me twenty bucks Jax." Cat says before I see an Jax angry pass Cat a twenty.

"We had a bet on why you've been happier lately. I thought it as because you found the best hair dye color. I mean you haven't changed your hair color in months, that's not like you. Plus you slay in that color." Jax says with a pouty face.

"Nope its a guy," she said again with a big smile, "We actually have the same hair color."

"So there's a guy in this world with lilac purple hair dye?" Jax asks with unbelieving eyes.

"Yea and he's like Cat, he plays lead guitar." Bev says with excitement.

"So he's in a band. Awe you guys are a band couple. That's so cute!" I amicably say.

"Shut up Mar, you've got a Jay." Jax jokes teasingly but I sense a bit of pain behind her tone.

"I doubt it, ever since he's gotten really famous; he's been a player. So even if something happens, it won't last and I'm in a relationship." I say out truthfully.

Jay has been all over the place, and it's sad to me that it's not all about the music anymore. It's about the look of a rock star.

"No, you're breaking up with that bitch ass liar. There's no discussion Mar, he cheated and I can't believe that your still with him." Jax says with anger leaking from her tone at the mention of Pete.

"You guys we're not here in my basement to discuss my love life, this is a band meeting. Plus, maybe we should get in a little practice today because tomorrow we will be playin-"

"This is affecting you, so it is affecting all of us." Jax says with a rare seriousness.

"I think we should cut this meeting short. Mar, the battle of the bands is coming up real soon, and this is unnecessary baggage for all of us. The sooner you cut your ties with Pete, the better" Bev says very seriously.

"Yea, I agree. Pete is a real bitch, and you don't deserve that. By breaking up with him, you will help not only yourself but also the band. I think you should break up with him today because our dream is on the line, and more importantly your happiness is on the line." Cat says after with worry for me in her eyes.

I let out a tired sigh, but they were right. I need to get rid of Pete because he was unnecessary baggage that was bringing me down. As a member of the band, when he brought me down I brought them down.

"Okay, I'll call him up. But we still need to decide on what songs we want to do tomorrow." I point out with my phone at hand.


I nervously took a sip of my water when I heard the doorbell ring. I let out a tired sigh as I slowly walked to the door, every step felt painful.

Honestly, I haven't spoken to Pete ever since I found out that he was cheating. We already weren't working out, this will only make it official.

Once I reached the door I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves. I opened the door to find Pete waiting impatiently.

This bitch.

"What do you want?" He asks rudely.

"Well we need to talk about-"

"There's nothing really to talk about. You're all about your band and you don't care about me. I just found someone that actually does care about me."

"That's just it, it's like you just expected us to be over when you met her? The world doesn't work like Pete, you could have at least told me!" I yell out with anger seeping in my voice.

"When? We hardly ever talk or see each other. It's like we're not even dating, that was the problem. It always felt like was the only one in our relationship. Sometimes I felt like you were Taylor Swift and just using me for lyrics to your next song."

"What do you want me to say? I'm sorry that I write about what occupies my mind? I'm sorry that I thought about you most of the time? I'm not apologising, that is just who I am. I will not apologize for for what I felt for you, and I won't apologize for loving my career choice. But Pete, above everything else... I wish you didn't think that you were alone in the relationship because I was there. There was a time when I actually really cared about you. Even now I still care about you... You should have told me..." I say softly with tears stinging in my eyes ready to come out at any moment.

"Fine! I could've talked to you about breaking up sooner, so don't cry." He softly pleaded.

"So where do we stand. I mean, I doubt that we could be best friends like we used to be. We were together for too long."

"That's just it Mae, we can't fix this. Its over." He finish off before walking away from my house.

I don't know how long I stood by my doorway, but I soon felt my tears flowing. He didn't even want to try to be my friend? Maybe not now but after sometime down the road.

"Well I suppose we've been over for awhile now Pete. We're just barely admitting it now." I say to myself as I stared down the street as he left.

Yea, I'm so done with Pete.

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