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So What Do You Say Guys

April 2014

"And now the moment everyone's been waiting for. Girls and boys! I present you Broken Like Glass!" the student host, Jerry, announced.

I took a deep a deep breath and closed my eyes softly as I felt the curtain open up before me.

I felt cool air rush against my face as I slowly opened my eyes, which were immediately shunned by the light. Although the light was bright, I could still make out the faces of my audience and I could feel their curiosity eyes prickle my skin. Wondering what this performance, our new song will do to make our band be even better.

"Mar are you ready?" I heard from beside me.

That's right. I'm not here alone.

This isn't my moment.

This is our moment, I thought shaking myself out of the anxiety building up inside of me. Quickly, I face Jax who stood beside me with her electric bass at hand and I gave her a quick smirk. Before facing the audience once again I remind myself that I have my closest friends beside me and I let all the negative anxiety sake off of me. I close my eyes before I let the tingle of excitement fun through me, and into the mike I start to sing:

"My minds been in a cloudy haze" I felt my heart tug in my chest as I end with a soft falsetto.

Immediately after I strung a familiar tune through my guitar, one I've practiced like hell the past two weeks to feel as natural to play as breathing. I felt my band behind me join in sync naturally, like we haven't worked our asses off to get these sounds.

The music surrounded me, hugging me, as I played the music that flowed through me easily me as I heard Jax start her solo.

"So here I am again

In this rut

I've figured out that I only get here

When times get tough" she sings, her voice a higher sound than mine.

Which can have an edgy sound but as we soften our sound on our instruments her voice softened out too in a perfect harmony.

"And now the skies are gray

Around me

Only me" I heard Cat sing with her beautiful raw voice, her voice could sing out those nice natural cracks like Winehouse or Adele, but she did that as she rocked out with her guitar beside me.

She looked at me and cued me with her eyes saying 'You got this.'

As I strummed my guitar to the beat I let myself fill up with waves of memories that filled me up with raw emotions before starting the chorus

"I need to let this feeling go

But I can't

Stop myself from feeling low

And as I sit here again for hours

I've finally realized

This is my life" I sing while picturing my worst days when I was alone in my room and feeling alone, the days before I met these girls.

"You see that I've done this to myself

So it's alright

I can't keep living a life blaming everybody else

So I'll put on my big girl shoes" Jax sings a little higher to harmonize with our drummer Bev.

"And now I'm finally growing growing old

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