Chapter X

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"Hey, Liv!" Elizabeth gushed as she made her way towards me, a mixed drink in her hand.

"Hello, Liz," I commented as I welcomed her oncoming hug.

"Are you ready to party?" she chuckled as she slurped on her drink.

I raised an eye brow at Elizabeth as I took in her figure. "Are you drunk?" Liz rarely let herself get drunk in public, but at the cottage it was a different story.

Liz laughed. "You're funny. I'm not drunk. It's even late." She frowned and took another sip of her drink.

I eyed Justin and asked him my question. "Has she drinken a lot?" Justin's response had me frustrated, because he didn't even know.

Justin just shrugged, his brown eyes clueless. I sighed, but left this exchange drop. "I'm going to change and go down by the water." The cottage rested on the edge of a lake that was beautiful. It had two docks on each edge of the property. I went to the room I had claimed, unzipped my bag, and shuffled through my items until I found my swim suit. Closing the door behind me, I shimmied out of my clothes and into my red bikini. I yanked my towel out of my bag as well and left the room, closing the door shut behind me.

The boys were crowded around the living room area, which wasn't a living room at all, but rather a sitting space. I noticed Wesley had already supplied Alec with a beer, and Justin was sporting his own as well.

Heading straight for the door, I heard Melody squeal behind me. "I'll join you!"

"Sounds good," I called back to me.

"Hey, Hot Stuff," Wesley cat-called to me. He seemed to be attempting to show off, but I wasn't having any of his rude ways.

"Are you talking to me? I didn't realize you grew a pair since the last time I saw you, because you need to have big balls in order to call me that," I retorted as I slid the door open to head towards the water.

"Want to grab them and find out?" Wesley challenged.

I heard Justin say, "Dude! That's my sister!" Right after, the sound of a punch followed by an 'Ow!' came from the guys.

Imagining the look on Justin and Wesley's faces, I found the encounter to be amusing. I didn't look back or voice this though, as I had one thing in mind: swimming. I set my towel down on the grassy area and shuffled closer to the water. Dipping my toe in the shallow water, the coldness surrounded my apendage. I pulled my foot away from the water, and I checked out my surroundings. The water was peaceful, and there wasn't a boat nearby.

I heard the sliding of the door, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Melody in her two-piece and a towel slung over her arm. "Wait for me!" she yelled when she saw I was about to hop in.

Laughing, I called back to her, "I'm not going anywhere!" As promised, I refrained from hopping in the cool lake water until Mel was able to join me. She hurriedly made her way down by the water, dropping her towel and phone by my towel as well.

"Really?" I asked as I eyed her deposited phone.

"What?" Melody replied with a question and a defensive tone before adding, "I would like to stay connected!"

"To what?" Liz piped in as she slid the sliding door shut behind her. She had her towel wrapped neatly around her torso, and she made her way in a delicate fashion to join Mel and me down by the water.

I eyed her warily. "Are you sure you're sober enough to go swimming?" I recalled her loopy encounter indoors and became anxious at the thought of my friend being unsafe.

"I chugged some water, so I'm somewhat sobering up," Liz admitted, fidgeting with the towel tucked tightly around her.

"Good," I said, as I started to wade in the water. Unlike Melody, it wasn't detrimental if I had already hopped in before Elizabeth reached us. "How's the water?" Liz probed as she removed the towel from her one-piece, folded it twice, and laid it on the ground next to Mel's and my belongings.

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