Chapter XII

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Grateful for Alec's pick-me-up, I nodded. "Thank you," I told him with sincerety.

Alec nodded and gave me a warm smile. "Any time. Did you need a moment before we went and joined the others?" It was sweet he asked that, but I didn't need more time alone.

"I'm good," I responded as I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. "What time is it anyways?" Curiosity got the better end of me. I knew it was later in the evening, but I couldn't tell for sure.

"Six," Alec had checked his phone.

I groaned--I had slept for over two hours. "Great. Everyone is probably drunk."

Alec chuckled at my comment. "That's the first thing that came to your mind?"

I shrugged as if this was no big deal. My stomach growled just then, reminding me of another important fact. "What about food?" I pointed out with a raised eye brow.

"C'mon weirdo." Alec said, getting off of the bed. I climbed out, and he let me pass through the doorway first, just like a gentleman. He followed me down the hallway, and when we reached the kitchen area, I was overwhelmed with the aroma of something I couldn't put my tongue on.

"It's about time," Wesley stated, but shut up when Alec gave him a warning look.

"Glad you could get her out," Elizabeth mumbled with a frown. I could sense she was disgruntled that it was Alec who could coax me out and not her. I felt a little guilt, but that emotion was overcome with my primal instinct: food.

"What is this?" I probed as I eyed the thrown-together meal warily.

Melody was the one to reply. "Just some stuff we tossed together, but I promise you'll like it."

I gave her a look before tentatively dishing myself up a plate. The food wasn't bad--I have to give them that. Alec hovered near me to keep an eye on my mood. The others were in the sitting area laughing obnoxiously. From the sounds of it they were getting pretty intoxicated.

"So?" Alec asked after I took a few bites.

I wasn't following. "What?"

"Do you like the food?" Alec inquired as he watched me shovel another heap into my mouth.

"Sure. Why?"

"Because he made it," Elizabeth hollered in response.

I couldn't help the next comment that came out of my mouth. "Since when did you learn how to cook?"

"Since I moved away?" Alec offered.

I finished off the meal in silence and helped Alec put the leftovers away. Afterward we joined the obnoxious crowd in the living room.

"You need to get on our level," Melody said with some slurred words.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

Melody nodded vigorously. "I propose you two do some shots."

"Me too?" Alec didn't sound too fond of the shot idea.

"C'mon! Don't be a wuss," Justin chided. He had stood up and made his way over to where the bottles of liquor were stored. He took his time choosing something, and then he returned with a bottle and some shot glasses. He poured two glasses, but missed the glass for the first second, spilling alcohol all over the table.

Once they were set, Alec and I each grabbed our own shot glass. The others were cheering, "Shots, shots, shots, shots!"

Alec downed his shot first, making a sour expression. I downed mine only seconds later, and I felt the burn of the booze as it traveled down my throat.

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