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75 years Later..

                               The sound of the heart monitor was starting to annoy me. The constant beeping in my ears would surely make me go deaf if my old age wouldn't do it first. I continued to rant about the noise in my head until a frail hand took hold of mine.

"Calm down my love, I can see you fuming about the noise. I know how much you love your peace and quiet." I looked down at the man who spoke. My Husband.

"I love you more" I responded. At times like this, I make sure he remembers that. I couldn't bear to think a thought where he goes without knowing I love him. "I know you do, who wouldn't love all this?" he questioned teasingly. Laughing, I gently smacked him on the chest. It's quite hard to believe that all those years ago he was a selfish, airheaded jerk.

"You know the grandkids are supposed to be coming to see you today right?" I gave him a pointed look hoping he didn't forget. "Of course, I know love, how could I forget about my grandkids?" he responded in a soft voice. The way his eyes darted away from me for a second while saying that told me everything I needed to know.

I only gave a suspicious hum in response. I was going to let him have this one because I know my dummy couldn't remember stuff for sh!t. And the way he let out a breath of relief let me know that my suspicions were right. I rolled my eyes before standing up and heading towards the door.

"Where are you going? Why are you leaving me?" I turned around to see the love of my life with his arms folded and a pout on his face. "Hush you, big baby! I'm going to see if they are here already." A look of realization crossed over his features before his ears turned red from the embarrassment that he acted like a child. He shooed me out of the room so I wouldn't say anything to tease him. As I walked out of the door, I held a huge smile on my face because after all these years together, I can still make that old man embarrassed like a teenaged boy.

Grandma still got it.

My smile dropped and sadness washed over me when I heard a couple of bone-rattling coughs come from Junior's room. I almost forgot the reason why I here in the first place. I shook my head as I continued my path to the hospital lobby. I knew better than to go back in and ask if he's ok, he'll only get defeated by the fact that I heard him in pain. For some reason he thinks hiding his pain from me is the best route to go. I think it's the stupidest thing he's ever done. And trust me, he's done stupid things.

Finally making it to the lobby I almost Immediately spot my family. Five year old Alaina with her pink stuffed bunny, 10-year-old Kegan looking bored as ever, and 15-year-old Selena sitting patiently with her head in her hands. I turn my head over to the side and found my daughter looking as beautiful as the day she was born.

"Grandma!" Kegan was the one who found me first and bolted up out of his chair to hug me. "Hey mom, everything ok?" Riley asked. I knew exactly to what she was referring to and nodded while hugging everyone.

"Come on, he's waiting to see you all" I smiled warmly at them and led the way to the room. One by one we all gathered into the hospital room and Junior's Face lit up with pride and adoration towards his family.

"Hey grandpa, you miss us?" Selena asked lightheartedly as she sat down in her seat. "Not at all sweetie" Junior joked. We all laughed and talked for a while until Riley asked us to watch her kids since she had to go back to work. I almost laughed at her stress-filled face because that was exactly how I looked when I was still running the business. "Sure we'll take good care of these little bugs while you're gone," Junior told her.

The kids waved by to their mother as she left before turning back to us. "How did you guys meet?" Alani asked while making her bunny look like it was running up Junior's arm. "It's a long story I don't think you guys would want to hear it," I informed them. As expected they all pleaded to hear the story while my husband just laid there smiling at their antics.

"Fine, fine I'll tell you guys" I pretended like It was exhausting to tell the story when In reality I was excited to talk about myself. So what that I've always been a bit narcissistic, bite me. Junior scoffed, amusement shining bright on his features. He saw right through my act.

"It all started when I was about six" I was just about to start the story when I was rudely interrupted. "SIX?! You met grandpa at six years old? That's crazy" Selena exclaimed. I gave her a look that said 'shut it and let me continue'. "No, I didn't meet your Grandfather at six years old child. For you to understand my reasoning behind my actions, I need to start where it all began." She shook her head in understanding and Junior gave my hand a gentle squeeze for me to start again.

"As I was saying it all started when I was at the ripe age of six-"

"That's not what you said the first time" This time Junior was the one who interrupted me. I looked at him slightly entertained and slightly annoyed. "Shut up," I said curtly and continued with my story...


I know I said I'll update tomorrow but I'm not tired at all so I decided to write the first chapter tonight. How's it going so far? Anything that needs improvement before I continue?

Don't be shy and not tell people about my book. I don't want to set goals I probably won't reach but I would like for this book to be seen by at least a couple of people.

Now goodnight, for real this time.


𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓳𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱 𝓚𝓲𝓭𝓼    ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now