𝒞 𝒽 𝒶 𝓅 𝓉 𝑒 𝓇 𝟩

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I made up my mind to stay far away from that guy as possible. But the universe seemed to ignore that thought and put him in each one of my classes including the one I'm in now.

He never made a move to talk to me but I often catch him looking at me or touching my hair. Very much weird behavior. Not once did I pay him any mind though. I knew the game he was playing by the way girls looked at him in class and glared at me when they saw his attention was elsewhere. Besides, I was used to it. 

For the fifth time in my class today, I felt him pick up a tendril of my inky hair and twirl it around his finger. I really couldn't take it anymore so I turned around and smacked his hand away while giving him my best glare. But what I didn't expect for him to be staring back at me with amusement swimming in his eyes. Now, this boy is really pissing me off.  

"Haven't your mother ever told you to keep your hands to yourself?" I told him. He gave me another of his signature smirks before replying with "Sorry love but when such a beautiful girl is sitting in front of me I can't help myself." An incredulous scoff left my lips and I turned around to stop the conversation. 

He didn't stop and I found myself constantly smacking his hand away from my hair. He was trying to get underneath my skin and it was working. "You're cute when your mad princess," he whispered in my ear. I felt my face grow hot but it wasn't because of what he said, it was because of how close he was. He smelt amazing and it definitely doesn't help that he's my type.

(I hate the name princess but I couldn't think of any other pet name for him to say)

The class was over 30 minutes after our little interaction and I practically jetted out for the classroom to find Harlow. I didn't get her number yet so I had to look around the school to find her. When I finally see her I see her already talking to Mr. Tall guy from last night. 

"Hey sis, you the girl from yesterday right?" he asked when I join them. I nodded before looking at Harlow, using my eyes as a way to get her to let me know who this guy was. "Sloane, this is my best friend Drake and Drake, this is my new friend Sloane." I stuck my hand out to shake but he grabbed it and pulled me into a friendly hug. I wasn't much of a hugger but he gave off a brotherly aura that relaxed me enough to hug him back. 

"I'll walk you two back since you guys live across from me," he told us. I didn't mind because he seems really cool and Harlow didn't care either. Plus school was over anyway. 

We ended up taking the long way to the dorms because we wanted to get to know each other more.  I found out that he and Harlow knew each other ever since they were little. He was the heir to a major tech company that was well known across the country. To say I was impressed was an understatement, he was a genuinely pleasant person, extremely funny, and smart. 

I couldn't stop laughing the entire time we walked to the dorms. I could tell we would be amazing friends in the future. 

"Bye!" I said to him as soon as we were at our dorms. We had exchanged numbers and made plans to hang out later on with a few of his friends. Harlow and I closed the door behind us and sat down on the couch to chill for a little bit. 

"So how was your first day," she asked me, leaning back on the couch to get comfortable. She grabbed my hand and started to look at my nails when I began to tell her. "It was great actually. I met my teachers, scoped out the lunch, and made a potential friend. The only thing that pissed me off was this guy in every single one of my classes." I told her with an eye roll at the end. Even the thought of him made me annoyed. 

She stopped looking at my nails and said "Did you ever catch his name?" she asked curiously. "No, but he had curly black hair, pretty tall, grey eyes, white-" I was bout to continue describing him to her but she started laughing. 

"Ohhh, that's Junior. He's actually one of Drake's friends, but I'm not surprised that he tried to flirt with you. He's probably slept with more than half of the brain dead bimbos of this school so don't worry too much...unless you do want to fuck him then be careful cause he might have aids"

It was my turn to laugh this time. He was attractive but I wouldn't fuck him after 1 day of knowing him. "I won't" I threw the couch pillow at her and got up and ran. She chased after me with her own pillow in tow and I remember thinking about how different it is here than back at home. 

Hey babes!

I hope your all doing well :)

Sorry for the wait, I'm just a procrastinating bitch. I'll try to update again in a week from now.


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