𝒞 𝒽 𝒶 𝓅 𝓉 𝑒 𝓇 𝟤

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I was only 6 years old when I lost my mother. She died of breast cancer. Her death caused a ripple of sadness to wash over my family. Her death took a piece away from my father that never returned.

No matter how many women he dated, or how many nights he'd come home a drunk sobbing mess, that gap in his heart never filled. I tried my best to make him smile or even be happy for one second but to no avail. After a while, he realized his mistake and started getting back to work. He threw himself into work and it ended up making his company the best business in New York.

Now that made him smile. From that day forward, he decided that making money would fill that gap. Not the daughter who loved and cared for him. But money.

I still remember this one day where I was so excited to come home from school because I got an A in science. I was around 10 years old and science was so hard for me and on more than one occasion I got F's. I studied for weeks on end and when It was that time for grades to come out I almost jumped onto my desk with joy when I saw that A.

When Jordan, the chauffeur, came to collect me I told him about my achievement. He smiled at me and told me how proud he was. That only made me even more excited to tell my dad.

"Dad! Dad!" I yelled while running up to his office. "I got an A in science! Can't you beli-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before he responded. "That's nice Sloane. Please leave, I don't have time for you right now."

"Oh" was all I said before I walk out and into the main hallway. Jessica, one of the help, saw we walking with my head down and tears in my eyes. "Child what's wrong?" she asked in a panicked tone

"My dad" I replied, my voice cracking at the end. I hated the way I was acting right now. It's not like my father abuses me or anything. It just hurts that the only time he's in the house he doesn't even want to see his own daughter.

He probably didn't mean any harm by it. Maybe he just stressed out and me talking about my stupid grade wasn't helping. Jessica gave me an apologetic smile and walked me to my room. While we walked to the south wing of the mansion she managed to make me smile and laugh a little bit. 

I told her about my grade and she was ecstatic. She immediately put me in my room and ran off somewhere. When she left, I pondered over what just occurred a few minutes ago.

I decided that I will make my dad proud of me. I will do my best with everything I do so he'll never have a reason to be disappointed in me. I'll be the perfect daughter.

I walked back out of my room with newfound determination. My thinking session turned out to be longer than expected and I was really hungry so I headed to the main kitchen. As soon as I made it down there, I saw Jordan, Jessica, and a few other maids that take care of me in the house. They held up a Funfetti cake that said 'you got an A!'. I almost cried because of how loved I felt.

They all started singing about how I got an A. It was hilarious. The song didn't make sense and none of them could sing so it sounded crazy but it still made me smile.

"Aww guys, you didn't have to!" I told them. They made me feel so special even though it wasn't a big deal. "Nonsense child, we knew you were feeling down and we wanted to cheer you up," Mary, another maid responded. We all ate and chilled until everyone had to go back to work. I went to sleep that night content.

Even though I don't get love from the one person I want to, it's nice to know that some people love me as their own.


How's it going? I wanted this chapter to be longer but I'm really to lazy to continue it. Hopefully, this one is good enough. Any criticism? I'm constantly looking for a way to get better so please don't hold back on me.

Well, I love you all!


𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓳𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱 𝓚𝓲𝓭𝓼    ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now