𝒞 𝒽 𝒶 𝓅 𝓉 𝑒 𝓇 𝟦

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Stepping off my private jet wasn't the most nerve-racking thing, but coming face to face with a new scenery was.

I barely left my house, I went to private school until age 12 and after that, I was homeschooled. Of course, I went outside to my backyard every once and a while but I usually go out at night since I love nighttime. Now, I'm standing here with a mortified look on my face because it just dawned on me that I have no clue what to do. A limo pulled up about 2 minutes later and a man came out.

"Sloane Armani? " he asked cautiously. "Yes?" He let out a breath of relief and straightened up. Off the bat, I could tell he was new. "I was sent by your father to bring you to your destination. Please, hop in," he said while opening the door for me.

"What's the password?" I asked. Even though my father isn't around all the time, he came up with an idea of a password. Seeing as we are a rich family and my father has many enemies, as a password we established pineapples would suffice.

"I believe he said something about pineapples" he responded. I knew I was safe because nobody knew about the password except for me and my dad. I climbed inside the vehicle and got comfortable while he drove to the school. I was beginning to curse myself for not going out more, everything here was beautiful, even the people.

My anxiety spiked when I saw that we were driving up towards the entrance of the main building. When you are in the stoplight, you learn not to give a f^ck about other people's opinions but that doesn't stop me from getting nervous around others.

Before I stepped out of the limo I surveyed the area. It was a big fountain in the middle of the parking lot. Some kids were hanging by all over and others were already walking up into the school.

As soon as I opened the limo door, heads turned. I quickly masked my nervousness and grabbed my bags from the chauffer before I walked to the front doors. Everyone was looking at me, judging if I belonged here or not. Some of the girls were glaring daggers at me and some of the guys were sending smirks my way as if I would fall for their charm.

I rolled my eyes and kept moving. Sooner or later they'll hear my last name and either run for the hills or try to be besties.

Finally making it to the reception desk I told them my name and asked for the things I needed. "Here you go," a lady with a nice smile said. I gave her a genuine smile before walking out of the office with my schedule in one hand and dorm keys in the other.

When walking to my dorm, I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. I just had to walk up to her. "Hi! I'm Sloane, I just got here" I told her, holding out my hand to shake. "Don't talk to me, I'm a b!tch."

I was not expecting that.

"What's wrong with being a b!tch?" I asked with a smirk. She looked at me wide-eyed then smirked herself. "I'm Harlow," she said while taking my hand in hers. "I can tell were going to be friends" I laughed out as she said that because that's exactly what I was thinking.

"What's your dorm number?" she asked. "2034" Her smile widened and she told me that that was her dorm. I couldn't help but think maybe the universe wanted us to be friends. It was kind of scary how well my first day was going. Harlow led me to our room and told me the things that I needed to know about the school.

The room was amazing. It was more of an apartment than a dorm room but trust me, I'm not complaining. It had a nice kitchen and living room but the best part was the balcony. The balcony had elegant designs and you could see the city. My room was down the left hallway and Harlow's was down the right. We had our own bathrooms which made me even happier because I don't like to share.

"Everyone has to share their dorm with 2 other people but our dorm is the only one with two bedrooms. So don't worry about anyone else coming through." I gave her a smile and a nod before heading to my room.

I unpacked and sat down on a comfortable bed. I can't wait to see what this place has in store for me.

I'm back peeps.

I didn't post yesterday because my semester is coming close to ending and I needed to catch up. But I'm back, with no missing assignments, and a fresh crisp 100 in English 1.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and will return for the next.


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