"i'll be here for you" - jade

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tw// eating disorder

you and jade went public with your relationship 2 weeks ago, and the amount of hate you've recieved for the past few weeks for dating jade had been overwhelming. fans or not, they've been sending hate to you, saying that you aren't good enough for her, and that you're fat. this led you to an eating disorder, starving yourself when you get the chance, and purging out the food you eat when you're with jade, your friends, or your family.

you were outside with jade for the first time in a few weeks, about to eat lunch. when you were walking with her hand in hand in the mall, you recieved hate comments from random people in the streets and from paps. you tensed up as soon as jade mentioned food.

"so... where do you wanna eat?" jade smiled at you. "uh... we can try the salad place!" you cracked a fake smile. jade nodded, not questioning further.

the both of you sat down at a table. "what would you like to order?" the waitress asked. "um just a plain salad will do," you replied slowly. jade shot you a suspicious look, but shrugged it off as she nodded. "i'll have a salad with fish," she smiled.

once the food arrived, jade tucked in almost immediately. while you... you were playing with your food, occasionally taking a few bites from the piece of vegetable that's stuck on your fork. when jade was finished with her salad, you barely touched yours.

"i'm full, i need to use the restroom,", you said as you stood up, letting your legs take you to the nearest restroom. after you left, jade glanced at your unfinished salad, before deciding to go after you.

while you were in the toilet, forcing out the little food you ate earlier on, jade was outside your cubicle, with tears in her eyes, she heard you purging.

once you were done, you stood up, opened the door, and was met with a teary-eyed jade. you looked at her with fear in your eyes, knowing she heard you.

she took your hands in hers, "why?" you shook your head, too scared to make eye contact with your girlfriend, because if you do, you'll break down.

you have been hiding it for the past 2 weeks perfectly fine, and now your secret was out. you couldn't face her. "let's go home," jade smiled sadly as her thumb softly brushed your cheeks as you nodded.

once you were home, jade sat the two of you down on the couch. she held your hands in hers again. "why? baby, why? can't you see that you're so beautiful? i love you so much," you were now full blown sobbing into her shirt, as she pulled you closer to her.

"your fans hate me, say that i'm not good enough for you, and that i'm fat," you said in between sobs. "what? baby, you're always enough for me, i love you so much, you're the best girlfriend i could ever ask for, don't let the hate get to you, because they're lying, you're beautifully amazing, don't ever forget that," she kissed the top of your head as you nodded.

"i'm sorry," you said after a few minutes of silence. "sorry? baby, it's not your fault, don't ever apologize for something like this, we'll get through this together, ok? i'll be here for you whenever you need me," she kissed the top of your head again.

you nodded, knowing that your amazing girlfriend would never ever give up on you.

a/n: uhm idk why it took so long for me to publish this but anyways gws jesy :(

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