Chapter 49 - More Feelings?

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Dndjksnshdjfkdksnbsjxjcjfjjd Amen praise the lord I love Jesus VEJAKSNFHCJDKJJSHDJFKD

-Sincerely, Your Friend, Lemon

Skeppy P.O.V. || • Somewhere- Idfk •

I looked straight up in silence, laying on my bed. I felt like there was something I wanted, or needed, but I wasn't sure what is was. Is wasn't like the way I wanted or needed Darryl to be with me, it was different. I also felt specifically lonely. Not lonely as I'm not having a lover, lonely as in being just alone. If that makes sense...

I sighed and turned to my side, facing my door. I had an odd pain in my chest. A pain that I couldn't explain. It wasn't physical pain, it wasn't the sadness that I used to feel, it wasn't the pain of seeing someone get close to Darryl. It wasn't a pain I could explain. It was just pain. I didn't know why it was here, or what it meant. Then again, I've lost the ability to understand emotions like these nowadays, so I probably won't know what this is at all.

But it didn't matter. Seeing as the pain immediately went away, like it no longer wanted to annoy me, since someone else came to annoy me for it. That's what I think at least.

"What's up psycho?" Asked Nick after appearing on the ground by my bed. I groaned. "What do you want me to say?" I asked. He knew what I was thinking so I didn't see the point in answering. "I don't know, 'nothing' or 'the sky' or something. But nEvErMiNd I guess." I sighed, and chuckled under my breath, however immediately stopped when I realized I did. Nick snickered. "I cannot believe I just laughed at that, let alone something you said." I said with another sigh.

(About ready to jump out my window, I am not doing so hot right now fam, I'll tell ya that)

"Well if I'm gonna be stuck with you for the rest of your life then it was bound to happen eventually, seeing as I'm the funniest person on the planet." Nick said smirking. "Pfft. You wish." I said with a snicker. I felt at peace for a moment.

(Someone come to my house and shoot me.)

Yeah... Some times I feel oddly at peace. I was always at peace with Darryl, but some times I felt this even when I wasn't with him. I didn't know why. Yet, whenever I had this feeling, it felt as though of missing piece of me had returned. Like my soul was slowly piecing itself back together over time. I didn't quite understand it, but it didn't matter much to me.

(It's really hard to focus rn- I'm too busy watching anime 😔)

I usually ignore it anyway. Nick started talking about some random story he heard or something and I spaced out. This was what happened every time I was stuck at home with nothing to do. I had my arms crossed above my head, laying on the pillow, and my legs crossed on the bed. I simply closed my eyes and zoned out.

BBH's P.O.V. || • Vincent's House •

"So, what are your feelings about Zak?" Asked Vincent. I thought to myself for a moment. 'What did I feel towards him?' Zak was a really cool person. He was kind, and funny, and cute... and I really liked him.

"I really like Zak, why?" I asked. "Oh.. I was.. just wondering. So, do you have any crushes at the moment?" Vincent questioned. I didn't know why he kept asking me weird questions, but I guess I didn't really mind.

"Hmm, I don't know.. I guess I'd have to think about it. But why do you keep asking me weird questions?" I asked. "Just as I said, I was just wondering." He answered. I felt like he was trying to hint at something, but I couldn't quite figure out what.

"Well, what about you Vincent? Do you have a crush?" I asked. He blushed and nodded. I gasped and my eyes lit up. "Really?! Who???" I asked with a grin. "Umm.. well.. I.. uh.. I'll tell you later!" He said nervously. I sighed. "Aww okayy."

Suddenly Vincent's phone began to ring. "Oh, uh, I'll be right back Darryl. Zelk is calling me." He said. I nodded, and he left the room to take the call. I laid down on his bed and thought. 'Do I have a crush on anyone...?' I thought pretty hard.

My feelings toward other people. Hmm... Dream was cool, George was nice, Nick... he was really fun... Wilbur was kind, Niki was very kind, Tommy was funny, Tubbo was adorable, Phil was smart, Mega and Zelk were also cool, Vincent was funny too, Riley was loving, Sally seemed really fun, and Zak... he was all of them combined.

Zak was funny, smart, cool, adorable, loving, kind, and just the best. He was so great in every way. I loved him. Everything about him. I loved his smile, his voice, his personality... he was amazing. Wait... did I have a crush on Zak...? No way.. right?

Not like it mattered though. He was way out of my league.. there's no way he would like me. I'd just have to sit back and watch as he got a girlfriend. The thought kind of hurt. Maybe I really did have a crush on him.

(Okay so multiple people have commented that Zak said he was gay in the beginning, it's chapter 49 guys I don't even remember what happened 3 chapters ago- If he really did tell him his sexuality then like- just forget that ever happened-)

I could feel my face beat and and then red. I covered my face until I felt it cool down. I say back up, and just then Vincent came back. "Hey, I'm back." He said as he entered the room and closed his door.

"Welcome back, what did Zelk want?" I asked. "Eh, something about flowers. He asked what Mega's favorite flower was. Not sure why." He said. I laughed. "Yeah, I wonder why." I said with a smile. Vincent sat back down. "So... have you thought about who you like yet? If you like anyone at all that is." He said.

I blushed and looked away. He chuckled. "Haha, I'll take that as a yes. Make sure to fill me in on who later." He said patting me on the back, I only became even more red when he said to fill him in on who.

HEYYYYY- Yeahhh, it's been forever... I know... sorry! I've just had a lot of things to do lately, and I guess I forgot about Wattpad! So sorry!! But at least I got another chapter out... right...? Also I'm sorry it's so short, I'll try to make the next chapter longer!!

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