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The Governor's palace was heavily guarded. Celestine smiled brightly as she thought of what seems another brilliant idea; trying to put into good use the years of studying that she has been making towards being a courtesan.

Despite not being given the chance to serve the House of Amora, with only a day of experience, she has no doubt about the knowledge that she has acquired throughout the years. She knew how to coax men.

She hid the items that she has been holding; the scroll and her sword at the foot of a nearby tree, looking around to observe before smiling seductively. She approached the seemingly head of the guards, considering that he was the one who was ordering the other guards to take their posts.

"Good day, handsome." Celestine greeted flirtatiously. Oh, how she wanted to laugh inwardly. Never did she thought that she will be using the most common pick-up line of her sisters, considering that even she was bewildered, and somehow stupefied on how easy men almost always immediately lower their defenses just by a little compliment.

The guard looked at her briefly before gasping, his eyes widening as he recognized who she was. "Young Mistress, good day to you as well." He said, slightly bowing his head. The other guards looked at her, mimicking their leader's action. She smiled at all of them before focusing herself on the Chief Guard.

Keeping up with her act, she held the guard's chin up from him looking down, her deep brown eyes meeting with his. She smiled, "You don't need to call me that fancy name." She said before inching forward. "We'll know each other very well... soon." She whispered in his right ear, making sure to let her breath fan over it, causing an involuntary shudder to run towards the man's spine. "Just call me Celestine." She said casually, winking.

With a slight blush spreading across the man's face, Celestine knew that her first step has been completed, the man has been hooked.

Smirking inwardly, Celestine continued with her advances. She let her hand travel from the man's chin towards his torso, her touch, seemingly burning the pleated armor that the man is wearing, spreading an uncontrollable heat within his body.

Swallowing heavily, the man tried to express his concern. "Wha-What are you doing, Young Mistress?" He asked, stuttering, but Celestine was quick to place her index finger to the man's lips, shutting him up. "Hush. I told you earlier, right? We'll be knowing each other... Personally." She said, her voice becoming huskier, seemingly trying to hook the man in her trap.

The man thought quite deeply, his brows furrowing. He knew who the Young Mistress was, she was engaged to his Young Master, yet why was she trying to flirt with her? He knew that he will be facing a severe punishment when he gets caught with the Young Mistress however, seeing the seductive face that she has been showing him, her sexy aura, and adding to that the nightwear attire that has been highlighting her beautiful figure, he cannot help but give in to her advances.

After all, she wouldn't approach him if he had nothing to offer, right? He was quite confident of his facial features and considering that the beautiful lady has complimented him about that too just boasted his confidence.

Without thinking twice, the man returned Celestine's advances. He slowly snaked his arm by her waist, pulling her closer to his body.

This action made Celestine smile victoriously.

Some men are just weak creatures. A little coaxing and they're ready to give up everything, just for short term happiness.

Celestine returned the man's advances, she too snaked her arms around the man's nape, further closing their bodies together. Angling her head, she placed her lips near the ma's right ear, blowing softly before talking, "Let's go somewhere else." She said suggestively in which the man answered quickly with a repeated nod.

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