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"All hail, His Majesty, the Emperor!"

The loud shout, informing the sudden appearance of the Emperor, echoed all throughout the room, making all of the people inside stand frigidly, gasping in shock.

They did not know what to do, as per the current situation.

Even Celestine did not know what she was supposed to do. Was she supposed to stop, now that the highest being on their land has appeared before them?

But then, Celestine thought, both the Emperor and this Governor are officials, they most probably are of the same kind.

The Emperor will be stopping her and will ultimately save this damned old man. She is, after all, just a lowly being in their eyes. She did not matter.

With these thoughts in her mind, she could only grip her sword and Ronald tightly. She refuses to let him go, not after all that has happened. She will not let her hard work go to waste.

Suddenly, the guards that are blocking the room parted in half. In the middle emerged a group of men, all of them wearing finely crafted and embroidered robes.

However, among all of them, one person stood out the most.

That person was wearing a red-colored robe that was embroidered by golden-colored threads, his clothing perfectly showcasing who he was due to the large yet exquisite design of a dragon in the garment, that for who knows was made of what high-quality material, gently fluttering due to the blowing breeze from the window.

But it was not just his clothing that made people look at him in awe. The person himself was breathtaking. His face was one that was seemingly crafted by the most talented sculptors in the world. He had such fine sword-shaped eyebrows, his eyes sharp yet limpid like the autumn water. His nose, perfectly complimenting his face, high and mighty, while his lips were thin but plump.

One look at him and you'll know that he was the one that was setting off a celestial presence among all of his comrades.

Seemingly not aware of all the attention of the innumerable gazes that was pouring on him, his eyes were focused on the only woman in the room, his eyes as if binding her, who could only look at him with a foolish gaze, standing upright due to shock.

Ronald was the first one to break through the silent admiration of the people. "Your-Your Majesty! Please help me!" He shouted with pleading eyes towards the Emperor whose face has not changed one bit despite seeing his pitiful yet embarrassing appearance.

However, for Ronald, it seems like once again, the heavens have listened to his requests. He knew that with the Emperor's presence, he would be saved from the madwoman that was holding him hostage.

After hearing his shout, she was quick to shut him up, whispering by his ears. "Talk once more and I will cut your throat." She threatened.

In alarm, Ronald could only reply with a slight groan.

Once again, the room fell into a deafening silence. The world seemed centered at the two celestial beings who could only gaze at each other's eyes. It was the first time that they saw each other and yet, they were magnetized. It felt like somehow, both of them had known each other.

But that feeling was shaken off by Celestine, this time was not the time to be swayed by her feelings, and she knew that this was indeed the first time that has seen the face of the exquisite man who was just away from her by a few meters.

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