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I opened my locker and chucked some books in there before shutting it. "Can I help you?"
"No, I'm just admiring you."
"You're such a freak."
"I know." Aaron said as he started to walk with me. "What lesson do you have now?" He asked as we came to a stop by the stairs. "Math, what about you?"
"I'm waiting for Brooke; I still feel bad for lying to her."
"I know but I don't want to be killed, I'm kinda hoping to make it to my twenty first."
"I'll pick you up at seven."
"What?" Aaron just saluted before disappearing into a crowd of people.


I got off the bus and let myself into the house closely followed by Brooke. We dumped our bags and headed into the living room.  "Aaron is on his way over, he's gonna stop the night as I want to hit the sales early tomorrow." Brooke announced as she sat down next to Mom on the couch. "That's fine, he'll have to bunk with Justin though."
"Why can't he just sleep in my room?"
"It's not proper."
"It's not like anything is gonna happen."
"I know Brooke but like I said it's not proper, he can sleep in Justin's room and that's that." Brook sighed and stormed out the room, soon to be heard stomping up the stairs. Mom turned to face me, "you don't mind Aaron sharing your room do you love?"
"I won't put up the camp bed."
"Justin, it's obvious."
"I have no idea what you're going on about mom."
"Sure you don't, but when are you planning to tell Brooke?"
"I don't know, I don't want her to kill me."
"She might understand."
"I don't think she will mom, I mean would you if your brother was dating your best friend?"
"You're together?"
"I was just going on about your crush."
"But I'm glad you're with someone like Aaron, he's a nice boy." My mom sipped her drink as there was a knock at the door. "You best go answer the door for lover boy." She smirked.
"Give over."
"You know I'm teasing." I got up and made my way into the hallway to answer the door.
"Guess there's no need to pick you up now."
"Don't leave him stood on the doorstep." Mom said as she made her way into the kitchen. I stepped back to let Aaron in. My mom soon returned and smiled at Aaron, "you better treat my son right Mister Coady."
"She knows?"
"Just call it a mother's instinct, I'm not going to put the camp bed up, but I expect no funny business."
"Yes ma'am." Aaron saluted causing my mom to laugh.
"Is that Aaron?" Brooke called as she appeared at the top of the stairs.
"Yes, it is love." Mom said as she put her arm around me.
"Come on, I want to show you this new dress I've got." Mom shook her head fondly as she watched Aaron follow Brooke. "Maybe Brooke doesn't need to know for a little while."
"Thanks mom."
"Just don't leave it too long."


We sat around the dinner table and Aaron brushed his leg against mine. Causing me to jump slightly. "What's up with you freak?" Brooke raised her brow at me. I looked down at the dinner table until my mom placed my plate in front of me. We said Grace then started the meal.
"This is amazing, thanks Pam."
"You're welcome Aaron, why can't any of you lot ever compliment my cooking?" Mom asked as she looked around the table at us. "Because we're not suck ups." Brooke said without looking up from her phone. "Brooke, no phones at the table."
"But this is important."
"Why is it?"
"Kylie is getting with this guy that Britney used to date."
"Put it away." Brooke sighed before slipping her phone onto the counter behind her.
"Talking about getting with a guy, Aaron is getting with this guy, he told me yesterday, he sounds really great."
"Is he now?" My mom said as she raised her brow.
"Mom, I'm not really that hungry, can I be excused?"
"Of course." I scraped back my chair and stood up whilst Aaron stared at me.
I headed upstairs to my bedroom, closed the door, and lay on my bed. A couple of hours passed, and I stripped down to my boxers before climbing into bed, where I sat on my phone for another hour.
There was soon a knock on the door. "What?" The door opened and Aaron walked in, closing the door behind him. "It's not what you think."
"I'm serious Justin, I'll explain everything later." Aaron disappeared out my room closing the door behind him. I sighed before returning back to Instagram.
 I was still sat on my phone when Aaron returned two hours later. "I'm sorry, I was talking about you when I said that to Brooke, she told me I should go for it that's why I said I was about to text you."
"So there's no guy?"
"No, so stop being a jealous bitch and move over." I scooted over as Aaron got undressed and climbed into bed beside me. "I would've come and told you earlier, but I was with Brooke and only had that short time whilst she went downstairs." He said as he rolled onto his side and put his arm around me. "We need to tell her."
"I thought we agreed to leave it for a little while?"
"I don't like sneaking around."
"Neither but it's better than nothing."
"I guess." I started laughing to myself.
"What's so funny?"
"I just realised I'm dating Aaron Coady, I used to write about you in my journal all the time never thinking I'd be here now."
"Who says we're dating, and this is something serious?"
"Fine then, get out my bed."
"Okay okay, we're dating."
"Do it properly."
"Do it." I whined.
"Fine, Justin, will you-okay I hate it, I'm not doing this."
"Please? For me?"
"No, why can't you ask?"
"Because it's cheesy and I don't want to."
"Exactly, so I'm not doing it."
"Fine then, goodnight Aaron." I said as I rolled over, so he was facing my back.
"Okay, be my boyfriend?" Aaron said before ducking under the covers, "I hated saying that, so you better feel special." He said as re-emerged.
"Yay, thank you!" I said as I rolled back over and kissed him.


I woke up in the morning wrapped in Aaron's arms. I smiled to myself before nudging him. "What?"
"Brooke will want you soon."
"I don't want to get up." Aaron whined as he flopped back down onto the bed and pulled the covers over his head. I climbed out of bed and started looking for something to wear. "No, come back." Aaron moaned before cocooning himself.
"Just get up."
"Actually, I'd rather just admire you in your underwear from here."
"Tell me you wouldn't watch me?"
"I can't."
"Still a pervert." I said as I pulled a t-shirt over my head and stepped into a pair of jeans. I jumped back onto the bed and Aaron pulled me into his cocoon.
"Can we stay here please?"
"No, you're going out with Brooke and I'm meeting up with a guy."
"Who? What? When? Where? Why?"
"Is somebody jealous?"
"No, why would you think that?"
"No reason." I laughed.
"Should I be worried?"
"No, he's just an ex." There was a knock on the door and I quickly pulled away from Aaron and rushed across the room just as Brooke walked in. "Justin isn't bothering you, is he?"
"He's fine."
"Whatever you say but are you ready?"
"Give me five minutes."
"Okay, Justin you can come with me and give Aaron space." I followed Brooke downstairs and we entered the kitchen where mom was pouring coffee. "Sleep alright?" She asked.
"Yeah." I muttered as I sat down at the table and poured some cereal.
"Yeah fine." Aaron soon emerged and sat down next to Brooke.
"And how did you sleep Aaron?" Mom asked as Cory sat down next to me.
"Good good." Mom smirked.
Once everyone had finished breakfast, Brooke and Aaron headed out and I started to help my mom fold the washing. "So?"
"So what?"
"Are you two alright?"
"Yeah, we just can't shout it out, can we?"
"You could if you just told Brooke."
"Please don't go on about it." The door opened and Aaron walked back in.
"Did you forget something love?" Mom asked.
"What is it?" Aaron walked over to my mom and kissed her on the cheek.
"Thank you for having me."
"You know you're welcome whenever." Aaron then kissed me before heading back out the door. "He's a keeper." Mom said as she nudged me. 

Best Friend's Brother~ ShalaskaWhere stories live. Discover now