Chapter 10: Intentions

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Darren briskly walked down as he searched through each door. Time was nearing its end as he would have to return to class, so he could not spur any suspicious activity.

"Where is it, where is it? I have to hurry before it happens," Darren thought with worry.

An aching pain started to grow internally as each step took more energy than required.
Finally, Darren reached the last door in the hallway and opened it. Inside was a regular empty classroom, with one thing in plain sight, a pill container. Darren rushed in and locked the door as he grasped for the pills. His phone immediately started ringing as Darren struggled to hold himself together.
Desperately, he used the black table as support. The pain grew, the ringing continued, all while he grabbed a small number of pills. Darren swallowed the pills, grabbed his phone from his pocket, and answered.

"You good there? Please tell me you are before the staff realizes your absence." the voice on the other line said.

"I'm, I'm, augh, I'm good, the pain's starting to dissolve," Darren grunted.

"Finish class and head out so you can arrive at the location. That location is south-east of this academy, or more precisely, 47.0900 degrees North and 8.0100 degrees East," The voice said as he relayed coordinates to Darren.

"I know, I know, make sure anybody isn't late, it'll obviously damage their status, hello? HELLO?!" Darren asked as he soon heard the end tone.

"Fucking shit, I'm the leader yet no one listens to me. Well, Kieran is the head, but I'm still better," Darren cursed as he put away his phone.

Tuomo was walking down the hall and saw Darren coming out of a classroom. Tuomo wasn't really in the mood to interfere or involve himself in any issues but Darren was a different story. Darren already had enough of Kieran and he already sensed Tuomo's presence; via his footsteps and consistent outfit. Darren pushed his body off the wall he was leaning on, ready to vent.

"Hey, you good or can you not handle it?" Tuomo taunted with a blank expression.

"Enough with that act, it reminds me of the old days, and nobody wants to remember those times," Darren said with his eyes shut.

"All right, all right, anyway, you already got the call from the chief right?" Tuomo asked.

"Yeah, and boy was he annoying, but yes, I know where to go," Darren complained and sighed.

"Then hurry up, we need to plan before they attack. We don't want to end up dead," Tuomo said.

"For fuck sakes, can you just let me be!?"

Darren yelled as he balled his hand into a fist.
This was what Tuomo wanted, he was restless following Tatsuya's disappearance, so why not find a good opponent within the same team. But someone else foresaw the outcome of the provocation. As Darren dragged his fist towards Tuomo, a person burst through the door with a transparent orange shield. He blocked Darren's punch as the male squinted at him.

"Cyrus, why interrupt?" Darren asked as he pulled back.

"We cannot have you guys causing any trouble here," Cyrus said as he looked at Tuomo and the at Darren.

"No matter how much you guys dislike each other, Kieran doesn't need any more commotion than this." Cyrus finished as he dissipated his shield.

"Fine, but I'll need some action time to satisfy my desires. Cyrus, I'll need some of your time later." Tuomo sighed.

"Of course, the routine," Cyrus rolled his eyes.

Cyrus has warm beige skin and caramel hair, slightly blinding one of his gray eyes. He looked at Darren, who noticed his change in his outfit; Cyrus no longer wore a coat. Instead, he was wearing a white T-Shirt and black pants.

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