Chaper one

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(sorry blue bird is stuck in my head😅)

The suns golden rays danced across the classroom. A mix of oranges and pinks painted a picture threw out the sky. Almost complete silence took over the classroom, almost. The only noise that could be heard was pencil against paper. Scribbling away getting lost in his own thoughts Izuku Midoriya sat alone in a classroom. There had been a villain attack that morning and young Izuku was already drowning in his own thoughts about the recent attack. So focused on his notes he didn't notice a heated blond boy walk in.

Izukus pov:

One of stains followers attacked a small café this morning. No one was injured to badly. Some cash was taken and a few citizens with bruises. Midnight showed up and stopped things from getting to out of hand. I've always-

"Oi shut the fuck up with that damn muttering of yours stupid Deku!"

I flinched at the sudden voice startling me from my notes.

"O-oh sorry Kacchan, I didn't see you come in."

I spoke softy as I looked up at the blond boy in front of me. He rolled his eyes and gave me his signature 'tch' before turning around and propping his feet up on the desk.

I really like Kacchan, yeah he was mean to me but he's always so strong and confident. Everything I'm not. It's always been this way, even when we were kids, I always followed behind Kacchan trying my very best to keep up with him, to keep him in my line of view. But my attempts were never good enough, because by the time we found out I didn't have a quirk, Kacchan was long gone and I was left alone.

I looked up at the blond in front of me. He was looking out the window as the final leaves of fall were trickling down. He looked so calm staring out the window probably lost in his own thoughts. There was a lot to think about because in just a few more days we would all be finding out who our soulmates were. Your second half, someone the universe deemed you to spend the rest of your life with. I guess I got lost in my own thoughts again because before I knew it a dueled hair boy was standing in front of my desk.

"Hello Midoriya, how are you today?"

Todoroki was always so kind to me I really do treasure our friendship.

"Hi Todoroki, I'm good how are you?"

I smiled as I gazed into his heterochromia eyes.

"Im doing good Midoriya, I was wondering if you would maybe wanna study together sometime. You know it's hard to study when all this soulmate stuff is all anyone is talking about."

Todoroki looked a little nervous. He kept glancing away from me and quickly returning my gaze as if he never looked away. I smiled and nodded my head.

"I'd love to Todoroki, do you have a time in mind?"

He smiled at me before replying.

"I was thinking around 6 in my dorm if that works for you."

"That's perfect i'll meet you in the commons at 6!"

He smiled before nodding and walking back towards his desk.

Katsukis pov:

I saw Deku scribbling in his notebook when I entered the classroom, probably about that attack that happened earlier. A small smile crept to my face as I approached my seat just in front on his. The damn nerd was talking to himself again. I told him to shut the fuck up before turning around and looking out the window. The way the grass contrasted with the sunrise reminded me of the nerd. It really was a beautiful site. Fuck, what am I thinking. Deku is stupid and weak and useless. Just someone who follows me around allowing me to put him in his rightful place below me.

Icy hot walked in and made his way to my Dekus t-to Dekus desk. I leaned back slightly to try and listen in on what they were talking about. They were gonna go study together later. I glanced behind me to see Deku with one of his gorgeous signature smiles spread across his face. It really pissed me off that the smile wasn't directed towards me, and only me. I need to get my shit together today. Did I get hit by a cupid quirk or some shit? What ever the fuck it is I fucking hate Deku and that simple fact will never change. I fucking pity who ever ends up being his soulmate.


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