Chapter two

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Izukus pov

Class ended a few hours ago and it was almost time for me to meet up with Todoroki.  I glanced at the clock to see that it's 5:44 so I still have some time before I need to go downstairs. I make my way to my bed and start scrolling through my phone when something catches my eye, or more like someone. Kirishima had a picture posted of him and Kacchan at the movies. They were standing in front of one of those big card board cut outs. Kirishima had a toothly grin plastered on his face, while Kacchan had a slight smirk while the red head stood beside him with his arm around Kacchan. A ping of jealousy hit me as I looked at the picture a while longer. I sighed before pushing my feelings aside and checking the time. 5:57, I get up and make my way towards the elevator to meet Todoroki.

I step inside and to my luck Kacchan is standing in elevator scrolling through his phone. He looks up and we lock eyes for a second, no hatred was seen in his eyes, and in that second I thought maybe just maybe we could go back to being friends. But I was quickly brought back to reality when Kacchan clicked the button to close the doors. The doors shut and I was left standing alone in the hall. I sigh out loud and catch the next ride down.

When I get out of the elevator I see Todoroki sitting on the couch. He notices me and gets up making his way over.

"Hello Midoriya, are you ready?"

"Yep let's go."

We both make our way back into the elevator as he clicks the button bringing us to his floor.

When we get to his dorm we walk over to his bed and sit down. I pull my books out and start flipping to the page I need when I notice Todoroki hasn't done anything. He seems lost in thought.


No response

"Todoroki... hello"



I wave my hand in front of his face. Still nothing.

"Shoto are you okay?"

He seems to be pulled out of what ever trance he was in. He locks eyes with me looking slightly shocked I called him by his first name.

"Sorry I should've asked first but are you okay?"

"M-Midoriya I.. no Izuku?"

I smile and nod.

"Yes Shoto?"

He blushes and bows before taking his stuff out. After that the night goes by normally. We study and make small talk til around 9:30 before we call it quits and I make my way back to my dorm.

Katsukis pov:

The nerd walked out of his room and we made eye contact, I was in the elevator. I could drown in those eyes everyday and never get tired of it. Before he makes his way any closer I close the elevator door and leave him to wait for the next ride down. I don't like Deku, I fucking hate him. Who even cares about that shitty Deku and where he's going. He's probably going to hang out with that damn icy hot bastard. I'm not even gay!

Ignoring the way my heart is hammering in my chest, I head over to one of the couches in the common room to watch some stupid movie with some of the other extras. Shitty hair is sitting a little to close to me for comfort but I ignore it. It's been hours and icy hot and Deku still haven't come down. The fuck is taking them so long their just studying how fucking stupid are they to have to study this much. After the movie I start making my way to my dorm again. Icy hot is two doors down from me and as I was stepping out of the elevator I see Deku walking out of that bastards room. He's still fucking with him? If Deku needed study help he should've just asked me, I'm way smarter then that candy caned freak anyway. God I had hoped their little study session ended and Deku just went back to his room.

I start walking to my dorm even more pissed off then usual when I see the two idiots hug and Deku says "Bye Shoto I had a lot of fun."


Shoto are you fucking kidding me right now! I slam my first into the wall punching a hole smack in the middle of the hallway. Deku looks at me concern and confusion written across his face.

"Hey Kacchan, are you okay? What's going on?"

Fuck that damn nerd, he's fucking pitying me. I don't need him or his fucking pity. I'm stronger, faster, smarter and better then that stupid nerd will ever be. I fucking hate him, so why is my heart throbbing in my chest?

"Fuck off shitty Deku, you're a Goddamn failure at everything you do! I don't need your fucking pity!"

Fuck! I wasn't mad at that damn nerd, I mean I was but I didn't mean to yell at him.The look in his eyes showed my words at hurt him. Ignoring the stinging pain in my heart before attempting to go into my dorm.

Izukus pov:

God Kacchans right. I can't do anything on my own, even my quirk had to be handed to me.

I look down, bangs casting a shadow on my face. I know he didn't fully mean what he said. Kacchans just ... mad really really mad. But it still didn't necessarily feel pleasant getting told your a failure by the one person you want to stand beside. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look to see Todor-Shoto with his hand on my shoulder glaring at Kacchan.

"That's enough Bakugou."

His voice was stern and you could tell by just a glance that he was being serious. Tears started forming in my eyes as I pushed Shoto's hand off me and started sprinting away. I wanted to be alone. I heard Kacchan scoff before a door opened slamming quickly after.

Just two more days and I'll find my soulmate.

Just two more days of loving him.


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