Chapter nine

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"Universe please let deku wake up."

The meteor shower ended and I go back inside. Hopefully I can sleep in peace with out seeing my soulmate plummeting to his death. But much to my dismay I can't even fall asleep. No matter how hard I try somethings always wrong.

I'm cold with out the comforter but when I pull it on my body starts sweating. So i'm left in an uncomfortable cold sweat. I sighed knowing nothing is going to be the same with out the small green haired boy by my side.

~~~~~~~~~~~one week later~~~~~~~~~~~

Izuku still hasn't woken up. He hasn't gotten worse, but he hasn't gotten any better. I just need something good to happen. I haven't been going to school, nor the hospital. I can't find it in myself to do anything. Mr. Aizawa said if I didn't attend class this week i'd be failing his class. Damn old man. So tomorrow it's back to UA.

~~~~~~~~one month later~~~~~~~~~~~

I-I can't keep doing this. I haven't spoken to anyone in the past month n a half. Everything around me is going to shit. With out izuku i'm slowly going insane. He has to wake up.

~~~~~~~~~~~'two months later~~~~~~~~~'

Shitty hair and the rest of the class 1-A idiots have stopped trying to talk to me. I can tell their concerned by the glances they keep throwing my way. I've been in the same hoodie for almost three weeks now. My grades have dropped and even in combat training I've been coming in last place. My eyes are constantly stained red from the tears. At school i'm practically invisible. A living  nightmare. But when i'm at home it's no better. I can't sleep or keep anything down. If Izuku can't come to me, i'll go to him.

~~~~A few weeks later~~~~~~

My eyes have bags under them from the lack of sleep and nurturance I've been getting. I barely even show up for school anymore and if I do go I usually have a panic attack and leave half way through the day. Life with out him is unbearable. It's like i'm breathing but i'm not. Oxygen is flowing in and out on my lungs but I still find myself gasping desperately for air. That night when he fell is constantly playing on loop. So what the hell am I supposed to do?

I'll jump. I give up. I gave up when I lost him. The doctors said nothings changed and that it's be a miracle if he woke up at all. I can't live my life like this any longer. I refuse to live in this treacherous place without the only person who brings my light. Izuku is my light, and I need him to help save me from the darkness closing in on me. Please help me. Izuku I-

I love you.

I slowly climb up the later to our old school. It has been remodeled after what happened. I near the top and open the door. I lock the door and start taking off my shoes. Tears streaming down my eyes as the cold night wind blows my hair. Sobs desperately trying to escape my dry lips. I make my way to the edge of the building. I take a deep breath in and look up at the stars one last time. I'm sorry Izuku. I failed you.

Izukus pov:

I've been engulfed in this darkness for what feels like months. I used to hear muffled voices but they stopped. Silence consumed this dark empty place. I suddenly hear a high pitched screech and a bright light appeared in front of me. Am I dying or dead. The smell on hand sanitizer fills my nose as I look around. My vision is still blurred as I look around the unfamiliar room. Memories flooding back. Kacchan and I, were soulmates. The stairwell I fell. Kacchans words...

Suddenly doctors come rushing in taking my vittles and poking me with random needles.


My voice was horse and I was unsure if anyone even heard me considering all the commotion.

"Do you know where you are?"

"Do you remember anything that happened?"

"Do you know your name and age?"

I start to panic from everyone swarming around me. I just want everything to slow down. I need to see Kacchan.

"I want to see kacch- Katsuki Bakugou."

"Right away young man."


Nurses start rushing to call kacchan. What's going on? How long have I been out?

Katsukis pov:

I'm sorry Izuku. I'm sorry for being a horrible friend, sorry for bullying you, sorry you got me as a soulmate. If you do wake up, me being gone will be for the best. I'm worthless compared to someone as admirable like you.

I turn around about to fall when suddenly my phone starts to ring. I think for a few minutes deciding if I should answer it. I step down from the ledge and make my way over to the ringing device next to my shoes. The hospital? What could they possibly need? Did Izuku die? I pick up the phone and hear someone practically screaming at me threw the line.


They person was panting heavily while trying to wheeze out their words. Whos awake? What are they- suddenly it dawns on me. Izuku. He's awake? B-but the doctor said? Before I knew it my feet were spiriting as fast as they could to the hospital. Tears brimming my eyes threating to spill out any second. With in minutes I burst threw the hospital doors and run towards Izukus room. The lady at the front desk yelling at me to slow down but I don't listen. All that matters right now is Izuku. I need to tell him how I feel and how sorry I am for being such an asshat towards him. I practically break the door off it's hinges as I rush tp give the love of my life a hug.

"h-hi bakugou"

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