Chaper ten

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Katsukis stared wide eyed at the boy in front of him. All the years they've known each other neither one of them has ever called the other by their last name. Katsuki was shocked but more so hurt. He knew he had messed up, he messed up their friendship back then, and he messed up their relationship now.


Katsuki was well aware of the puddles filling up his beautiful crimson colored eyes that the other boy used to adore, but he didn't care. He didn't care if he was crying or appeared weak in front of izuku. Hell he himself felt weak. Izuku only hummed and tilted his head slightly alerting Katsuki to continue.

"Why did you call me by my l-last name?"

Katsukis voice was timid and barely audible, hurt lacing every word that came out of his mouth.

"Well you hate me right? We're not friends and obviously it's a mistake that we're soulmates. So I don't see what the big deal is."

Mistake? Those words shattered Katsukis already breaking heart. Flashbacks of that night came flooding into the usually heated blondes mind.

"The universe made a damn mistake"

The very same word katsuki used to describe their relationship. A mistake.

Katsukis pov:

Does he really think all of this was a mistake. That I hate him? It's not true. Non of it is izuku I loved you. I still do love you, can't you see how you not being apart of my life has affected me.

"That's not true! Izuku I couldn't even get out of bed when you were in a coma. I couldn't keep anything down I could sleep it's like my mind and body wouldn't function knowing I did this to you. Knowing that I almost killed the person I hold closest to my heart!"

No ones pov:

Izukus eyes widened as he felt that familiar flutter in his chest. No izuku don't fall for it. He doesn't care about you, it-it's all probably a lie anyway. Izuku told himself not to believe what katsuki was saying, but the next words that came out of katsukis mouth struck him to his core.

"I almost jumped."


Both boys are to over come with emotions to think rationally.

"I almost jumped. Off the roof of our middle school. W-where you fell."

"K-Bakugou why would"

"ENOUGH IZUKU! Stop called me that. I-I don't like hearing you call me Bakugou."

"But I thought you hated when i called you kacchan?"

Katsukis usual 'tch' sound was made as he rolls his eyes and engulfs the green haired boy in a hug.

"I never hated you izuku, I just...I didnt know how I felt but I do know now. I love you. I love you so damn much it almost killed me."


Had he really almost jumped off a roof? All because I was in a coma? Kacchan wouldn't lie especially about something like this...but why I-I don't understand why my absence would have such an effect on him.

Thoughts were bouncing around a in izukus head. Each one going a million miles and hour.

"I don't understand kacchan? Why after all this time would you care?"

As if on que another wave of guilt washed over katsuki. He has every right to be skeptical. I tormented him for years and suddenly I'm confessing my love for him. I'd be skeptical to.

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