chaper three

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I love this song^^

No ones pov:

Izuku spent the rest of the night locked away in his room, not bothering to go down to get dinner. He knew the blond didn't mean what he said. The blond cared for the small freckled boy in his own weird way. But a wall of pride was blocking him from telling the small boy how he really felt. Hell that wall was preventing the blond from even realizing his feelings.

Izukus pov:

Why can't Kacchan and I just go back to being friends? We used to be so close when we were little. Just us against the world. What happened? Was it me? Am I the reason we're no longer friends.  I sigh for what feels like the 100th time today before a wave of tiredness starts taking over. I give in letting the peacefulness of sleep take over me. A small part of me hoping I never woke up, but to my dismay I hear my alarm clock going off alerting it's time to start the day.

I yawn before bringing my hands up to my face in an attempt to wipe to sleepyness away. I look to my side to see 6:34am plastered across the screen of my alarm clock. It still pretty early so no one should be up, which is good cause I don't have the energy to socialize right now. I get up before starting my daily routine of showering and other hygienic necessities. I finish showering and getting ready for the day when I hear Shotos voice from behind.

"Hey Izuku about yesterday I-"

I cut him off before he could finish.

"It's fine, really."

I do my best to show some emotion though proven to be difficult. I mean why wouldn't I be fine. This is nothing new, Kacchans been this way for years now and I guess i've just grown used to what he has to say.

"No it isn't, what Bakugou said wasn't true. Izuku your an amazing person and your already making an amazing hero. You showed me what no one else could. You showed me that my power is mine and not my fathers. During our battle at the sports festival you showed me that I can lead my own life. You showed me light when I was drowning in darkness, you lit the way and brought me back to the light, and now it's my turn to do the same. Izuku I love you."

My eyes widen. All I did was stare at him unsure of what to say. Do I love him? I mean I know I don't but maybe I can. Maybe he's the key to breaking free from Kacchans tight grasp around me. Maybe he really can lead me back into the light.

"Shoto I-I love you too?"

It sounded like more of a question then an answer but there was so much emotion spinning my head around and Todoroki didn't seem to pick up my tone.

"Will you go out with me?"


Katsukis pov:

I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't get Deku and icyhot out of my head. The look on Dekus face, the way that half n half was able to do the one thing I couldn't. Comfort Izuku. After hours of facing the ceiling replaying today's events in my head I decided to get up. It was 5:14am so no one was awake. I get up and change into some gym clothes before making my way down to the kitchen. Grabbing some toast I head out the door to do a few laps around the track.

I run til my legs can barely hold me up. I make my over to the gym and start lifting weights and working on my upper body. When ever I need to cope with something or get something off my mind I train. I train so hard there have been times when shitty hair finds me past out on the floor due to exhaustion. After another 30 minutes of working out my head feels clear enough for me to head back to the dorms. It's 6:30am so the dorms should be empty. I open the door when I hear a familiar voice.

"Izuku I love you"

Was that icyhot and talking to Deku? What the hell is going on. I close the door being as quiet as I can while waiting for that nerds reply to the confession. He can't possibly have feelings for half n...

"Shoto I-I love you too.."

half. Oh maybe Deku does love him. I feel pissed but mostly hurt. My chest has this weight on it holding me down. My senses start to fade away. The anger and hurt I felt are quickly replaced with nothing. I feel nothing. I walk past Todoroki and Izuku not caring anymore if they saw me. I saw Izuku flinch as he sees me pass by. Great so the nerds afraid of me. Of course he wouldn't love someone he's scared of. I only ignore him and head into the elevator pressing the button to take me to my floor. It's still early and school doesn't start for a few more hours.

Izukus pov:

I told shoto I loved him, and then Kacchan walks by us. I shut my eyes waiting for a snarky comment. "Stupid Deku", "loser" something along those lines but it never came. I slowly open my eyes and see Kacchan getting in the elevator. His usual scowl was replaced with a pained look? What is going on this morning?

~~~time skip to when school is over~~~

Kacchan was quiet all day which is incredibly unusual. His personality is rather explosive, so when he's been dead silent all day I was sure something was wrong. Kirishima seemed to notice as well, he kept trying to talk to Kacchan but was failing miserably. Kacchan just sat there looking down as if the ground was the most entertaining thing he'd ever seen.

"Hey Deku the class decided to throw a party tomorrow to help find out soulmates wanna come?"

I look up to see Uraraka looking at me with a smile woven through her face.

"Yeah of course"

I smile brightly

"Great it starts at 7! Hey Bakugou wanna come"

"Sure whatever"

Kacchans words barely audible as he continues his staring contest with the floor. Uraraka jumps up and down before rushing off with Tsuyu. I groan realizing what I got myself into.

What if Todoroki isn't my soulmate?


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