Chapter four

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Not that y'all asked but i absolutely despise to 3rd period teacher
No ones pov:

The final bell rang and the class made their way back to the dorms. Everyone was a little on edge, I mean we were finding out who our soulmates were tomorrow. Almost everyone was at the dorms either watching the movie playing in the commons, or begging Momo to make alcohol for tomorrow's event, well that was just Denki. Meanwhile a certain blond made his way over to a familiar park from his past. But to his dismay or surprise a green haired boy sat on the swings. A light breeze blowing his hair back as the sun made his usually pale skin look slightly golden bringing out the freckles that danced across his cheeks. The blond male made his way over and plopped down next to the greenette. The two sat in silence, neither one of them knowing the right words to say. Mustering up some courage Izuku spoke first.

"Hey Kacchan."


The blond simply hummed lightly in reply.

"I haven't seen you at this park in ages."

A light chuckle escapes Izukus mouth as he glances over at the blond. A dark depressing arua still spreading like a wild fire around him.

"Why. Why  icyhot? What does he have? What does he have that I don't"

Izuku was shocked, a loss of words would be an understatement. Katsukis voice and cracked slightly, gaze still on the ground. He blinked harshly trying to keep the tears from flowing freely.


"What does he have that I don't?! God Izuku, I fucking hate you! Choosing that bastard over me!"

At this point Katsuki was screaming the tears he desperately tried holding back making their appearance . Katsuki's face revealing every little thing and emotion that had coursed through him throughout the day, including shock from the last thing he said.

"You really are a useless Deku."

"I know Kacchan."

Katsuki stopped talking. What the hell was he saying? He knew Izuku wasn't to blame in this situation. Katsuki wasn't supposed to care about Izuku, let alone give a fuck who the little shitnerd chose to date. This wasn't his plan. He was supposed to become the number one hero alone, surpass AllMight all on his own. There was no more 'Wonder Duo'.' After Izukus quirk never manifested Katsuki gave up on that dream and turned bitter towards the other boy. Katsuki Bakugou didn't have any weakness. He didn't have anyone he loved.

Katsukis pov:

What the hell is wrong with me? Im not supposed to feel like this, especially towards Deku. We sat there on the swings silently until Deku stood up and started walking away. I shot up and started running after him.

"Deku wait"

He turned around, cheeks stained with dried tears, eyes slightly red from all the crying but still he looked calm, completely composed as if I didn't call the little shit useless only moments ago.


What am I doing? Why am I so concerned with what's going on in his life? It doesn't involve me anymore, I made that very clear in junior high.

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