Chapter 36 - Pipelines, Protests, And Pessimists

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In Late May...

The day after school ended for the summer, you and Silk were swinging through the city on a Friday morning with clear skies.

Y/N: "Woohoo!" You were always thrilled every time you flipped high into the air and swung with no worries.

Cindy Moon: "Sweeeet!" She swings over a billboard and does a triple backflip before shooting out two web-lines.

Y/N: "YEAH!!!" You were gliding through the air with your web-wings and maneuver around a skyscraper.

Cindy Moon: "Woo!" She vaults over an apartment building, swan-dives, and runs on the side of an office building.

You two landed on the side of the building at the same time and ran up the wall. With a quick-timed handspring, you found yourself in the middle of a rooftop garden. You hopped onto the top of an empty chicken coop while Cindy sat on an A/C unit.

Y/N: "I'm never gonna get tired of web-swinging. It's so exhilarating!"

Cindy Moon: "Heck yeah it is!"

You get up in a Spider-Man-like crouch and look down at the busy city streets.

Y/N: "After Camp Everfree, the rest of the second semester went by like that." You said to Cindy with a snap at the end.

Cindy Moon: "Facts. But now, we have two months and nineteen days of summer vacation. And I'm going to be sleeping in, chilling by a pool, and reading as much as I can."

Y/N: "Do you read the Daring Do books like Rainbow Dash? Science and math books like Paul? Or high school romance books like Rarity?"

Cindy Moon: "I'm reading the Percy Jackson pentalogy by Rick Riordan. The first two are incredible and I'll be starting the third one by next week."

You nod in response before sighing and scrolling through your camera roll.

Y/N: "It was like one day, it's March 1st, and the next, I'm getting my autograph signed by 50 people in May."

Cindy Moon: "No fair. I only got like 10." She pouts before smirking.

Y/N: "Well, Miss Rebel Wallflower, if you put yourself out there a little more, you'd be popular."

Cindy Moon: *scoff* "So the buff geek in spandex is the one teaching me about my social life? I almost want to go back to my original dimension." She teases.

Y/N: "Seriously? Why does every cheeky person in Canterlot City always think I'm the one in spandex?! This is a synthetic material from--"

Cindy Moon: "Chill, webhead. I'm just playing." She plays it off and looks at her phone.

Y/N: "I'm supposed to be the quippy one, Silky. You're the renegade spider-girl who'd rather beat baddies up than comment on their ridiculous names or designed outfits."

Cindy Moon: "Who says the cooler spider-person can't be comedic?"

Y/N: "Uh, Superhero 101, 102, and even 103. Every class is taught by yours truly, of course." You quip while grinning under your mask.

Cindy gives you a deadpan look before clearing her throat.

Cindy Moon: "So, anything you got planned today?" She asks you.

Y/N: "Nope. It's been pretty quiet for the past couple of days. I could go out with Paul for a brother-brother hangout or something..." You say while looking at your phone again. "Or I could raise some money to fix the Wondercolt Statue. It had a special place in my heart because to me it was... a symbol of hope, justice, and strength. But somebody destroyed the horse part of it with magic while most of us were at Camp Everfree!"

Spunset: Spider-Man Male Reader x MLP EQGWhere stories live. Discover now