Chapter 1: Briella

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"That concludes the profile."

The team is on a case in Pittsburgh PA. Someone has been burning couples alive in their cars. All of the couples have been abducted in their own houses while their child was asleep. He only targeted parents with an only child that went to Perry Elementary School, and so far, all of the kids have been in the same class.

Hotch had just finished giving the profile before the team left to go get some food that didn't come out of a vending machine.

They weren't even gone an hour when they heard the news that a suspect had been found. They gave the profile at night because that's when the unsub hunts and kills. A cop came with the news that a man, Allan Smith, had been fleeing from a car fire. With two people inside.

The team headed down to the sight of the fire. When they got there, Allan was handcuffed and being put into a police car.

They heard fire trucks approaching and backed up so that the firemen could get a clean shot of the fire. Morgan decided to ride back to the police station with Smith and the police officer.

They left to start the interrogation while the fire was still growing behind them.

The dump site, or burn site, was in the middle of nowhere. They were surrounded by dirt and old cars because it was in the center of a car parts site where people can look in old cars for parts they need and get them for free.

About an hour later and the fire was put out and it was safe for the team to approach the car. They found a single penny on the dashboard which was a signature of this particular unsub. They had found singular pennys on the dash board, tales up, on the driver's side. He always put the men on that side and the woman in the passenger.

They noticed that the women's throat was slashed and the man's hands were tied to the steering wheel, like the other victims.

They went to the back of the car and noticed the license plate. They called Garcia.

"Hey Garcia I have a license plate for you" Rossi called this time.

"Gimme gimme!" Garcia was ready. Rossi read the license plate out loud to her and she almost instantly found a match.

She found out that the license plate was owned by a Tommy Jacobs. "He has a wife, and get this, a 6 year old daughter that attends Perry Elementary School."

"Garcia, what's the address?" Prentiss asked her so that they could go get their daughter.

"675 Studebaker Road. It's in the rural part of town."

"Got it." Prentiss loaded into the car along with JJ and headed to find this little girl, whose life had just been turned upside down.

They called Garcia in the car again. "Hey Garcia, what's her name?"

"Briella Kate Jacobs."

Garcia said her name and Emily gave a small smile. There was a brief pause before Garcia broke the silence.


"What is it Garcia?"

"After all of this, she won't have any family to live with. Her mom had a sister but she died recently due to cancer, no husband, her dad doesn't have any siblings, and she has no other living relatives."

"Thanks Garcia" Garcia hung up.

Emily sighed and looked over to JJ who was looking down at her hands. She was thinking about how that little girl had nowhere to go.

Little did JJ know that Emily was thinking the same thing.


They arrived at the house. It was a small blue two-story house. There were no lights on that they could see, but they saw purple curtains in one of the upstairs bedrooms and guessed that that was Briella's room. They went and unlocked the door with the spare key they found under the door mat.

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