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with the help of some extre shifts, taylor was able to move out of her little apartment. she found a cute house and it was two blocks from the diner, so it was an easy commute to say the least.

elle was excited because she would have a bigger room than her last bedroom and she would be able to decorate it herself. there was a nice backyard for elle to play in, and the house was big enough for her to run around in.

on the morning of the move, max, jaclyn and kyle showed up to help with everything. jaclyn and max helped move boxes from the back of taylor's honda to the inside of the house and kyle made everyone food and refreshments.

after they finished, taylor looked around her apartment one last time. she started renting it seven years prior, it was her first home besides her childhood house. she lived with awsten in that apartment, and raised elle. she found herself in that apartment. it hurt to let it go, but she was ready for what would come next.

"alright." kyle said once taylor started walking up the driveway. "i have burgers and hot dogs in the back, soda is already layed out, so help yourself to anything."

kyle led taylor to the backyard where more than just max and jaclyn were standing. she saw emma, her father, her brother nick, his girlfriend delilah, gracie, but then she spotted bright green in the mix. a smile wiped his face when they made eye contact. awsten flew down from los angeles to welcome taylor into her first house. taylor happily ran into his arms, hugging him close. she hadn't seen him since the morning after his birthday the month prior, and to see him in houston was a surprise to her. she moved her hands from his neck to his cheeks, kissing him softly, then placing their foreheads together. the crowd around them clapped and cheered as she pulled away looking at everyone.

"oh my god, who set this up?" taylor asked, wiping tears from her face. "who set up this party?"

"i did." jaclyn smiled. "i knew how much this meant to you, so i wanted you to have the best welcome home experience ever. i got everyone to come, thankfully."

"i was heading back to houston anyway," nick smiled to his sister. she went over and hugged him aswell.

"you must be delilah! it is so nice to meet you!" taylor greeted, turning to nick's girlfriend. "nick has told me so much about you!"

"all good things i hope!" she smiled in return. looking down, taylor caught the sight of a ring with a small gem on it. the gem was green and matched delilah's eyes perfectly.

"oh my god! did you?!" taylor whipped around to her brother. "did you propose?!"

"a little while ago, yeah. we originally were coming back here to look at wedding venues so the whole family could be here." nick scratched the back of his neck.

"congratulations you guys!"

the party went well, and to everyone's surprise, don was very respectful to taylor and awsten. he even complimented the watch awsten was wearing.

"thank you sir." awsten nodded.

"err, your welcome, awsten." he awkwardly responded. by emma's grip on his arm, it was certain that she was trying her hardest to help don be more kind to people.

elle was running around the backyard wearing a princess dress gracie bought her at disneyland, being chased by awsten. she ran around screaming while awsten was talking about how he was gonna get her.

"he's good with her." don stated, looking at the father-daughter duo.

"he is." taylor responded.

"and it seems that he actually does um, love... you."

"he really does, dad."

"i'm sorry, then." don apologized. "i shouldn't have been so hard on you." taylor was surprised her father apologized for anything because he was a "i am right even when i'm wrong." type of person.

"thank you."

later on, taylor walked over to awsten and sat next to him on the grass, her legs criss crossed. she put her head on his shoulder, and he put his head on hers.

"thank you for coming." taylor whispered.

"always," awsten whispered back.

"how long are you staying?"

"my flight is the morning after tomorrow."

"you're leaving that soon?"

"i'm sorry, t, there's just a lot happening right now. i'm gonna come home as soon as i can, i promise." he solemnly replied. taylor focused in on the fact that he called her house home.

"at least i get another day with you." she smiled.

after everyone left, they set up elle's bed in her room. everything else was in boxes, but taylor made it clear she was not sleeping on the floor and neither was elle. after putting elle to sleep, taylor took her two mattresses and stacked them.

"bingo. a bed." she triumphantly pointed at the mattresses.

"taylor, that is not a bed." awsten laughed.

"wanna test that theory?" she smirked. awsten rolled his eyes, walking towards her.


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