O- chapter 15

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//Zachs POV//
I was sitting on a log next to Ashley and Corbyn when I looked up to see Ellie and Daniels face really close together.
I saw Ellie saw something to Daniel and Daniels thumb touch her lips.I nudged Corbyn panicking.

Corbyn: OUC-
I covered Corbyns mouth so he wouldn't interrupt.

Me: Look.
Corbyn and Ashley look at where I'm looking.
Corbyn: OH
Ashley: MY

Corbyn and Ashley looked at me weirdly and then they got the attention of everyone. Their lips connected and they started to kiss, then it got more passionate. Everyone started smiling.
Jonah: she's gonna get pregnant if they kiss anymore
We all quietly giggled and decided to cheer before it goes too far. We saw and heard them laugh while we cheered and they came back. I was ecstatic.

// Daniels POV//
We sat down next to each other and tried to make things as casual as could be. We started to pack up and head to the car. Zack laid across all of us instead of Ellie sitting on my lap. She positioned her self so she could lay her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her. Zachs head was in my lap so he spent the whole ride teasing us which made us laugh. We got to the restaurant to see the families. We all agreed to make sure not to tell anyone.

//Ellie/ you POV//
~30 minutes later~
We got to the restaurant and we went inside to see all the parents sitting waiting for us. We all sit on one table while the smaller children and and adults sit at a different one that's close.
I was sitting as the edge of the table. The side that was closest to the parents. Daniel sat next to me and Zach sat in front of me. Diagonal of me was Kai and everyone else filled the seats. Zach kept looking at us weirdly to make sure we were staying pg. We were
all eating but I didn't want to eat because I was full from the beach and all we ate there. We were waiting for our food and I was talking to Daniel who was about to drink all of his apple juice.

Me: Daniel you're gonna finish it before your food comes
Daniel: then I'll get another one
Me: oh god
He chuckles and we spend the rest of the time talking with occasional teasing looks from Zach. Daniel was being extremely flirty and sweet when Zach and Kai weren't looking.
We were mid way into dinner and Daniel put his hand on my thigh. I got slight butterflies. And he smirked while drinking his apple juice.
Me: you're in a really good mood today
Daniel: ofc I am, I kissed my future gf
He smiled and my heart melted. He was being so sweet and adorable.

// Keris POV//
The kids all got to the restaurant and the little kids came out way sitting with us while the older kids sat at a separate table. We were all talking when my attention went to the other table. I saw Ellie and Daniel sitting together. Daniel had his hand on Ellie's thigh and he was saying something into her ear which made her smile as he took a sip of his apple juice. I kept an eye on both of them the entire time. Daniel kept whispering things into her ear while made her turn into a tomato. He held her hand and she held his hand with both her hands and they moved closer together. I nudged Myta, Saskia, and Kirstin and they all saw and smiled. I didn't tell Carrie because I saw the way she was talking to Ellie at the the beach and at dinner last time. And it was her birthday too. We all finished eating and paid. We got in our cars and went to the boys house for some cake and to talk.

~10 minutes later~

//Ellie's / your POV//
We were in the car, Daniel and I were in the very back and he was still being extremely flirty.
I sat close to him. He put his arm around me and I looked up at him while he looked down. We were talking while maintains eye contact which made me so nervous and made things more intense.

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