S- Chapter 19

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//2 weeks later//
//Daniels POV//
It's been two weeks I leave once in a while to shower but I come right back here, none of the band has been on social media so no one knows what's happening. They took out the tubes and says she can breathe on her own. Jonahs mom visits everyday, stays for 3 hours and leaves. Kai canceled her flight and stayed with us in the house and comes with us to the hospital. She and Zach have been getting close. It was a Saturday and everyone was here. I was sitting by Ellie's bedside holding her hand. Jonah and the boys were on one side while Kai and Ellie's parents were on the other. I fell asleep holding her hand when out of nowhere I felt someone grab my hand. I look up to see Ellie. Her eyes open and everyone stands up. Corbyn gets the doctor and he rushes us out while checking up on her. We all worry in the waiting room for 20-ish minutes. The doctor calls out Ellie Marais. We all get up and go inside. She was drinking water
Ellie: So Jonah idk if you heard but I wrecked your car
Jonah chuckles and hugs her. She hugs all the boys and hugs me last out of them . We both let go and I kiss her.

//Ellie/ you POV//
I woke up and saw Daniel laying on my hand holding my hand so I held it back. He looked at me surprised and someone pushed them out. A doctor did a check up on me and explained everything. He lets everyone come in. I hug Jonah first after telling him about the car he already knew about, then I hug Corbyn Jack and then Zach comes and hugs me tight.
I laugh and so do the boys. I see Daniel and I hug him tight and he kisses my forehead. Then he loosens his grip and looks at me. He kisses me immediately and I kiss him back. While we're kissing we can hear the boys in the background
Corbyn: ooooooooh
Zach+ Jonah: Ellie and Daniel sitting in a a tree
We smile through the kiss and we finally pull away. My dad hugs me and my mom stays still in her chair. I see Kai and she smiles and I smile back, she jumps on top of me and hugs me. She was on top of my laying down hugging my
I laugh so hard and she just smiles while everyone else dies of laughter.

After a few hours everyone leaves and it's just the boys and I, Jonah Zach Jack and Corbyn decide to let Daniel stay overnight. They all say bye and Daniel sits in his chair talking to me while never loosing his smile. I move over and create a space for him, he comes lays next to me. He puts his arm around me and I lay on his chest while he talks to me. I look up at him while he's talking. He looks down and notices me staring.

Daniel: What?
Me: I didn't say anything.
Daniel: But you're staring.
Me: I have the right to stare at my boyfriend.
Daniel smiles as soon as I say boyfriend. He leans in and kissed me. I kiss him back and he keeps smiling
Me: why are you smiling so much
Daniel: I just missed you, I was worried
I go up closer to him and kiss his cheek.
Me: well I'm back and Im better so no need to worry. I kiss him and he kisses me back while he rests his hands by my waist. He pulls away and smirks. I lay on his chest and we both fall asleep.

The end.

This was my first story tell me what you think..

Jonahs Little Sister // djs ✔️Where stories live. Discover now