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    "Hey, you ready?" Asher asks coming out my closet.

I look up the time on my phone.


"Give me a minute". ​I get off my bed and walk to my closet to pick an outfit. I put on a black leather pants and black crop top, I pair it with one of my favorite boots and leave my hair down. I used moisturizer earlier so I just put on mascara and lip balm.

I follow Ash down the slide and we quietly go to the garage, the door opens noiselessly and we push our motorcycles out the garage without switching on the ignition.

"Go along, I would meet you there" I tell Ash as I walk into the room.

"Alright, do not be late. Everyone is expecting your return" he says and pushes his motorbike out the gate. I on the other hand have the hard job of pushing my motorbike all the way to the side of the house and unto the path that leads of Ian's house. Ian hasn't said anything to me about we maybe being soulmates. Not gonna lie, when he said it my stomach had a dance party and all the butterflies were invited. I thought he was going to kiss me but he didn't instead he pecks my cheeks. His he trying to mess with me? We haven't spoken about why he was at the party with Heather and I do not bother to ask as long as he doesn't get unnecessarily mad when I'm with Eli. It's been a week since Sunday Barbecue and things have been as weird and awkward as is. Heather keeps looking at me at school and smiling weirdly and I know something is coming but I don't know what.

I finally come out in Ian's house. ​That was hectic.

​Never push a bit through the woods, trust me.

I park my motorbike on his driveway and walk to his door. The whole house is dark inside. I open the door quietly and walk in. Okay, fine, I broke in. Are you happy now? ​I take the elevator up to the second floor and walk into Ian's room. I can't see his room clearly, the only lights on are the small led lights on his floor. I see Ian on the bed sleeping on the left side of the bed, I sleep on the right side. ​I am just putting out there, we are perfect sleeping buddies. I walk to the left side of the bed and squat, he is facing me but sleeping. ​I am seem like a creep and I am not denying it. ​It is hard not to notice that he is shirtless, I can see the scar on the side of his body clearly. I trace my thumb on it and Ian opens his eyes.

"Oh shoot, you scared me" I say sitting on my butt with a thud.

"Lily?" he asks sitting up.

"Hi" I reply waving at him.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"My turn to take you out" I say and walk to his closet. I pick a black denim trousers for him and a simple black t-shirt with black boots. I throw the clothes at him.

"Where are we going?" he asks.

"You'd see"

He gets off his bed and starts dressing up, he catches me staring at him and laughs. His laugh resonates in the room and the knot in my tommy tightens.

"Like what you see?" he asks putting on his shirt. I walk up to him while the shirt is over his head. I help him pull it down and whisper in his ears; "You have no idea". I smile and brush my hand through his hair. He smiles at me as I adjust his hair.

"Still wouldn't tell me where we are going?" Ian asks as we walk to his front door.


"Nice motorcycle" Ian says when he sees my ride.

"Thanks, she's my baby" I tell him and put on my helmet. "Follow me" I tell Ian and we drive out his gate. We have been on the road a while now and we finally get to our destination. It's not really a destination seeing as we are just on the express, it's been closed off for maintenance and all which is perfect for us. I park my bike beside Asher's and Ian comes to a stop beside me.

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