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    "I love you, Lily".

I get off of him and go into the pool not stopping till I reach the floor of the pool. He said the words, what am I to do? Do I love him? I never even said the words to Brad, I know Brad is a jerk and Ian isn't. Ian dives into the water and swims to me then drags me back to the top. I quickly get put the pool and walk into the house.

"Lily" Ian calls me getting out the pool, "Wait up". I stop and turn around to face him.

"Did I freak you out?" he asks. Am I freaked out? I don't think so.

"No, you didn't" I tell him, At this point, I don't know whether it's the truth or a lie.

"You don't have to say it back you know right? I just wanted to tell you how I feel about you" he says holding my hand. Why is he so understanding? I love everything about him, what's not to love?. Hold up, if I love everything about him, does that mean I love him?

"Lily" he calls snapping me back to reality.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Don't be freaked out okay" he says kissing me. I release the breath I didn't even know I was holding. Everything is fine, not lying.

"I'm not freaked out but are you sure?" I ask Ian my hand on his jaw. He kisses my hand.

"About loving you?" He asks and I nod. "More than anything" he says and I smile.

"I love you too" I say to him and he freezes. "Ian?" I call. Guess he freaked out too.

"You really do? You not just saying it because I said it, are you?" he asks.

"I am sure. I love you Ian Carter" I say and his face breaks into a smile. He carries me up and kisses me.

"I love you Lily Grant" he says still kissing me.


It's been a couple of months since Ian and I exchanged 'I Love Yous' and to say everything was great is an understatement, we were so happy. I am sure you've noticed the 'was' and 'were', yes we were until something happened. Here's the down low;

It happened two weeks ago, I called Ian at one in the morning, wanted to talk about what had happened a week before but Heather picked up the call, yes, same Heather. Anyways, me being the most understanding girlfriend in the world, I asked to speak with Ian and she said he was sleeping, tired. Wondering what was going on, I went over to Ian's place and what I saw can only be described as an horror. He was in bed with Heather. I don't know what happened and I don't want to know but I saw them, they were shirtless. I snuck out the house and Ian and I haven't spoken since then.

You are probably wondering what happened the week before all of this went down, you wouldn't believe it but Eli kissed me. Yes, it happened. I told him Ian said he loves me and he asked what I said, I told him that I said it back and Eli walked out, he didn't talk to me for days after that. At school, he pulled me to the supply closet and said Ian wasn't the one for me and that I was making a mistake. Any ways, this is what happened:

"What is Eli?" I ask. "You haven't spoken to me in days, I tried calling but you not answering. Did I do something wrong?". Eli grabs my hand and leads me to a supply closet, he pulls me in and closes the door.

"What is wrong?" I ask again.

"Ian is what's wrong" Eli says.

"What is wrong with Ian?" I ask folding my arm. I thought we were over this.

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