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    "I remember everything!" I shout.

"Lily?" I hear Ian call behind me. I turn around to see the shocked faces of Ian, Asher and Axel. I roll my eyes.

Oh dang it!

"What do you mean you remember everything?" Asher asks walking up to me. Instead of answering, I look at Ian who isn't moving or saying anything, I don't know what he is thinking right now.

"Lily, what do you mean by you remember everything?" Eli asks standing beside Asher. I look at them and sigh.

"I got my memories back" I explain. Ian takes a step towards me and then stops.

"When?" Asher and Eli ask at the same time.

"Yesterday, on the jet" I answer.

"Explain" Eli says.

"Fine, after you and Ian's other round of staring and glaring competition and you left to join Ash and Axe, Ian thought I was asleep and apologized again and this time he mentioned the reason he was sorry" I explain.

"And?" Asher asks.

"I found myself crying and when I went to the bathroom, my head began to hurt, it felt like I got hit by a truck, Asher. My whole memory came rushing back like the dam had broken" I elaborate. "It really hurt" I add.

"Why didn't you tell me" Asher asks.

"Didn't have the time but I was going to today. Besides, I wanted to know how long it would take Ian and Eli to tell me what happened or to stop fighting" I answer Ash.

"I am so glad you are fine" Asher says hugging me, a little too tightly.

"Thanks" I say.

"I'm going to video call mum and dad and tell them" Asher says running upstairs. "You might have to call Doctor Carpenter" he quickly adds.

"Thank you for remembering me" Axel says dramatically hugging me.

"I am glad, I'm remember you too" I tell Axel.

"I am going to tell our friend group that you are back" Axel says running up the stairs leaving me with Eli and Ian.

"Lily" ELi says and I raise my hands up.

"I cannot believe you two" I say looking at the both of them. "First of all, you got so angry over a misunderstanding, what the heck Ian" I start.

"Lily.." he trails.

"I know you apologized but I am still upset about so many things, so I'd come back to you" I tell him. "Now, you" I say looking at Eli. "I thought you were my friend? Why would you just tell me about Rachel like that? Did you give Ian a chance to come clean himself? You know how much I like him, the least you could do is tell him to come clean on his own before telling me. You telling me out of spite and anger for Ian is what caused me to faint not because of what you revealed. Okay, maybe a little bit because of what you said but that's not the point. You shouldn't have told me like the way you did when you knew it would hurt me as much as it did. You didn't prove yourself to be my friend. Your anger for Ian overshadowed our friendship and that's not cool" I tell Eli. He looks down ashamed. At least he's remorseful.

"Now you" I say looking at Ian. "Why would you ignore me for so long because of a misunderstanding? Why didn't you believe that Eli kissed me and not the other way around? But do you know the worse of it all? You and Heather sleeping on the same bed-"

"I didn't sleep with her, Lily" Ian cuts me of.

"I know but why was she at your place? Why did she pick up your call? Why did you not just apologize instead of getting angry at me for bringing Eli to the party? Why did you have to come there with Heather of all people?" I say raising my voice. I sigh. "I know you are sorry and I already accepted your apology. I just needed to say this things" I tell Ian who looks a bit relieved.

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