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I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling of my room and remembered yesterday. It's the beginning of a new school year and I cannot believe Ian, the boy next door, more like next compound, goes to my school. I have been up almost all night mostly because I haven't been able to sleep for sometime now. The sun is beginning to rise peeking though in my blinds. I picked up my phone to check the time.


I get up from bed to shower and get ready for school, I have to be at school by 8.00 so that gives me about an hour and half. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and run my hand through my long jet black hair, I had just changed the color from brown during the summer break, it was brown and short, so I would have a different look, it might not seen different but my hair was light brown before. I go into the shower and stand under the hot water to wash myself. I wish I could wash away that memory from my head but I know that isn't possible. I change into a two piece long sleeve knit dress and pair it with my brown boots. I look at my reflection and I could barely see the girl I was. That is what a breakup does to you. I changed myself into a wallpaper, my life into a routine of school, home, assignment, sports, game and programming. I used to be a social butterfly but I am more of an housefly now. All because of them.

When I am done with my makeup and styling of hair, it is 7.15 so I go downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning mum" I greet pecking her.

"Morning" she greets back and serves my breakfast in a plate. It is bacon with scrambled eggs and toast.

"Where is dad?" I ask not seeing him seated in his regular breakfast spot.

"Woke up late" mum answers. "Here you go", she gives me my plate.

"Where's mine?" Asher asks walking into the kitchen. He takes a bacon from my plate and goes to peck mum before coming back to seat beside me with his plate. I take my bacon back from his plate.

"Mum, Lily stole my bacon" he shouted to mum.

"Lily, if you are going to steal his food, don't let him see you do it" she says backing us. I poke my tongue out at Asher.

"Yes Lily, you do not let him know you have taken his food" my dad says discreetly taking a bacon off Asher's plate. Asher is too busy making faces at me to see it happen. "Like that" dad says swallowing the bacon.

"Dad!" Asher shouts having figured what happened. My dad gives me an high five before kissing my forehead. He then goes and holds mum by the waist from the back and kisses her neck. I don't know how my parents are still so in love with each other. They are high school sweethearts, I wonder if I would have an high school sweetheart. Ian comes to mind and I quickly shut down that thought. We all eat our breakfast talking about what the plan for the day is.

"We are having yesterday's steak today" Mum says. We didn't get to eat the steak yesterday because they got busy at work, it was one of those days.

The ride to school is uneventful, Asher connects his phone to the aux and plays music because the ones on the radio are dead songs. I park in my spot beside Asher's spot and yes, I drove to school today. Everyone is looking at the car, it is a new sports car, only five of it in the world. I get down with Asher and again everyone surrounds him, I sneak away and walk into the school. I feel someone's eyes on me and when I look around looking for who it is, I see Brad, my ex. I just keep walking ignoring him. He is the last person I want to see.

Because you all are cool people, I would tell you all about Brad Adams. Brad was my boyfriend, I have known him since elementary school. He, Asher, Hailey and I were the best of friends. You remember Hailey from class yesterday, the girl with Heather. Anyways, I had a boyfriend and three bestfriends and I was happy until, there is always an until. Until I find out that Hailey and Brad were seeing each other behind my back. What jerks, right? Anyway, enough about them.

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