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    "Shh" I whisper, my finger across my lips.

"Sorry" Heather whispers. Rachel holds unto the trash can to prevent any more noise.

"We cannot get caught" I tell them.

"Tell that to Heather" Rachel says.

"I said sorry" Heather says shrugging. "Besides, you said no one was home" she adds.

"No one is home but we don't want the neighbors to hear us" I tell her.

We make our way across the lawn to Hailey's home. We are currently at her front door. Rachel tries the door, it's locked. We all stare at her.

"What? I thought we might be lucky and the door would be open" she says with a shrug.

"What now?" Heather asks. I bring out my pins and open the door. ​I refuse to call it breaking in.

"Of course you know how to do that" Rachel says. I give her a toothy smile. I turn the door handle and the door opens up. Hailey's dog comes running at us.

"Oh no" Heather says.

"Did you know she had a dog?" Rachel asks me.

"Cheetos, come here" I say to the dog and he starts wagging his tail. "Good boy" I say and give him a treat from my back pack. Cheetos licks my face and hand. We make our way up the stairs quietly, I have Cheetos in my arms petting his head.

"I got the dog for her" I explain to them when they would not stop looking at me and Cheetos.

"What exactly does Hailey have that didn't come from you?" Rachel asks.

"Her attitude" I answer with a cheeky smile.

"Good one" Rachel says and gives me a high five.

"You know, I thought Hailey was rich like us" Heather says when we walk into Hailey's room.

"Yeah, I mean she goes our school" Rachel adds.

"Scholarship" I tell them.

"No way" Heather says her mouth hanging.

"Let me get this straight, she is from a middle class family on scholarship to our school and she acts like the whole world belongs to her?" Rachel asks and I nod.

"I guess she's always hated me because I have it all" I say.

"How modest" Heather says with a playful eye roll.

"What can I say, Modesty is my middle name" I say laughing.

"All right Liliana Modesty Grant, what now?" Rachel says. I smile cheekily and open my back pack.

"Rachel, take this" I hand her two bottles of wine. "Hailey's clothes".

"Yes ma'am" Rachel says with a salute.

"That would teach her to throw wine at me" I say.

"What about me?" Heather asks.

I give her a crate of egg, "Go crazy" I say.

"Gladly" she says smiling and starts throwing the egg all over the room.

I open the vent in her room, stretch my hand a bit further in and put a fish in there. It's fresh now but not for long. I put another fish in the ceiling of her closet. After that I take a spray paint and go crazy on her wine stained clothes. The three of us stand by the door and look at the room. The whole room stinks now, we put mustard in her toothpaste and Heather cut cream cheese and replaced her deodorant stick with it.

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