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​Good Morning

​I turn around in bed.

​Ring RIng

​My alarm rings and I hit it, woke up earlier than it again. I get up from bed and as usual I go visit my house next door. My house, Ian's house, its the same thing Tomato, Potato. ​I grab my binoculars and I see Ian outside also with his binoculars. He smiles when he sees me and waves. I wave back. I pick up my notepad and write;


​​​'Mornin' love'. ​Love?​ I smile at him and wave trying not to make it seem awkward.

​'What are you doing today?' ​he asks.

​'Asher and I are going to the carnival later'

'I'd drive us there' ​he writes inviting himself.

​'Eli would be joining us' ​I tell him giving him heads up.

​'Alright, Axel would join as well, he loves carnivals'

'Good by me, I'd tell Ash. See you in a few'

I give him a small wave and walk inside. I love carnivals, the rides, foods, games, prizes. I love it. I walk downstairs and see Asher in the living room.

"Morning" he says pausing his movie.

"I just woke up but I'm so tired" I tell flopping on the couch beside him.

"You came home pretty late last night" he says smiling at me.

"Mum and Dad?" I ask.

"With friends" he answers. "How was meeting Ian's friends, did they like you?"

"Loved me. I charmed the socks off them" I reply sounding confidence.

"That's you, the charmer" Asher says not believing me. I punch his arm.

"Speaking of Ian and his friends, he wants to come to the carnival with us. Bringing a friend too" I tell Ash.

"A friend?"

"Yes, Axel. Met him yesterday" I explain.

"An objective person who would tell me what happened yesterday" Asher says.

"Yes, and he would tell you how charming I was" I tell him poking my tongue out at him. Asher plays his movie and I join him. He's watching Mechanic Resurrections. I love Jason Statham. I suggest we watch the movie in the cinema and he agrees. We order pizza and watch the movie at our cinema. It's loud and dark just as we like it.

"Lily, Asher" we hear Eli call. I pick up my phone to text him and I see I have fifteen missed calls and five texts from Eli.

​You Ready? - E

On my way over - E

Lily, pick up - E

What is wrong, why are you and Ash not picking up -E

Come on Lily, pick up - E

​I show Ash the texts and missed call, he pauses the movie and checks his phone too, ten missed calls from Eli and texts mirroring mine. I see the time on Ash's phone, four noon. ​What the heck, where did time go. ​We are watching mission impossible now, so I guess that's where time went. After The Mechanic one and two, we watched the three John Wicks and now Mission Impossible. ​Don't judge me, I already said I knew where time went.

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