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    "Your family?" I ask stepping back. His family, he wants me to meet his family, his people. This is what I wanted, right? Yes.

"Yes, my family. It's what you wanted right?" he asks and I nod. It is, It is.

"It is"

"Good 'cause you get to meet them on Saturday" he says holding me.

"Great" I say smiling and he hugs me. ​This is great, I get to know him more, what I wanted. ​I know you all are wondering why I am feeling this way? It's because I don't know what I would learn. I don't know anything about them at all.

"Tell me about your family, your mum, dad and friends. What do I need to know?" I ask him.

"Saturday" he simply says.


"You'd know on Saturday" he answers.

"Why then , just tell me something, their names" I ask.

"I'd tell you Saturday, bunny" he says and goes out the balcony. ​That is not ominous at all.

​I am worried that Ian's family wouldn't like me. I am a bit weird in my way and my only friends are family. I lay in bed and drift off to sleep.


​Good morning guys.

I slept so well, it's weird. ​Today is going to be good, great even. ​I have a boyfriend... ​Do I though? I don't know for sure if Ian is my boyfriend, I don't know what we are. Anyhow, I have a ​maybe ​boyfriend that I like and like me back, a family I love, wonderful friends and the right amount of enemies, what more could a girl ask for? I get off my bed and play music on my Bluetooth and start dancing. I am happy. I dance to my balcony and look over at Ian's house with my binoculars, his blinds are down, maybe he is getting ready. I look over at the warehouse building at the back, curiosity is still killing me. I have to fine out what is in there.

"Liliana Nora Grant" Ash walks into my room.

"Hey Ash" I greet still dancing and laying my bed.

"What is happening right now?" Ash asks.

"I am happy" I tell him with a smile. "It's been so long but right now, I am happy" I add and Ash face brightens into a smile. He comes up to me and hugs me spinning then starts dancing with me.

"I am happy you are happy" he says and I laugh. "So you and Ian, huh?" he asks putting me down.

"I don't know but I like him" I answer with a shrug.

"I like him for you" Ash says.

"Thank you" I say smiling. Ash hugs me and leaves the room.

"Hey Ash" I call and he pops his head in my room, "We going for the carnival?" I ask and he nods.

"We never miss the carnival" he says and I smile. "The cousins are coming too" Ashe adds and his head disappears.

I dance my way to the bathroom and have my bathe. ​What to wear...what to wear? ​I proceed to the closet and pick my outfit for the day, I put on a black, white and green stripe shorts with a white loose button up shirt. I pair it with my black boots and black backpack. Makeup, done and hair packed in a bun, I switch off my blue tooth and leave the room.

"Hi love" Mum greets when I get down.

"Morning bud" Dad greets kissing my forehead.

"Morning, how was your night?" I ask them.

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