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I can hear Ian and Eli call my name before everything goes dark.

Ahh! My head hurts. I try and open my eyes but I am too tired. I drift off again.

"What is wrong with our daughter, Doctor?"

"It's been three days now since she became unconscious?"

I can hear my parents talking but I still feel too tired to open my eyes.

"You have to wake up Lily, I cannot live without you" I can hear Asher beside me.

"He's right Lily, please wake up" that's Eli.

It isn't until I am conscious to movement beside me that I realize I had drifted off again.

"I am sorry Lily. For not believing you or trusting you more. For saying you are not different. I am sorry" I hear someone beside me apologize. "I am also sorry for what happened before you went down. It is true I already knew you before we met but I also already liked you before we met. I didn't date you because of Eli or to get revenge, I did because I am in love with you. I am really sorry for deceiving you" the person concludes. I can feel the person hold my hand and squeeze the hand.

"Lily can you hear me?" the person asks and I squeeze in return. "You can hear me, let me get the doctor" the person says and leaves the room. In a matter of minutes, the doctor is checking me.

"Can you hear me Lily?" I hear doctor Carpenter ask me. I nod my head. My eyes get open and a light is being shaken in front of me. I am finally able to keep my eyes open and see my surrounding. I am at the hospital, go figure Liliana, Of course you are. The doctors and nurse have left after doing what doctors and nurse do. I can't find who was talking to me earlier, I hope to meet the person.

A few minutes later, my mum and dad rush into the room, "Lily" mum calls and squeezes me into a hug.

"You had us so scared" Dad says and I smile at him.

"We were so worried, you were out cold for a week, Lily" mum says.

"The doctor says you probably fainted due to stress and you had concussion from the fall" Dad tells me.

"Lily" Asher says running into the room. I smile at him. "I thought you were going to die" he adds and I laugh.

"You cannot get rid of me that easily" I tell him.

"Lily" Eli says walking into the room. I give him a small wave.

"Hey" I greet.

"I am sorry about what happened before you fainted, I shouldn't have said what I said" Eli says. What is he talking about?

"Lily" a third person calls walking into the room. That's the person apologizing to me earlier. He's cute.

"Who's your cute friend?" I ask Asher, "He's handsome" I say and wink at him.

"Lily" Asher says. Everyone is staring at me.

"That's Ian, love" Mum says looking worried.

"Nice to meet you Ian" I say to the boy with eyes that mirror mine.

"So, do you have a girlfriend Ian?" I ask flirting with him. He looks worried, sad even.

"Lily" he calls me, tears gleaming in his eyes.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask.

"Are you joking Lily?" Eli asks.

"You don't remember me?" Ian asks.

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