𝙳𝚒𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚖?:

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"Stop saying that! I didn't kiss him! Please just let me explain!" Stefani raised her voice, clearly fed up with your complaints. "Stefani! Your lip stick was on the side of his mouth! You either kissed him or it just magically got there! What exactly do you need to explain?!" You spat back. Stefani sighed, annoyed of arguing with you. "Are you listening to yourself right now y/n? You sound crazy! Just let me explain why I hid the photos from you!" She tried to persuade you. "I don't want to hear it! Have fun at your dinner party. I'll stay as Becca's tonight." You rolled your eyes, walking towards the master bedroom.

You and Stefani had never gotten into a fight over Bradley but when you saw pictures of the two together, noticing Stefani's lipstick smeared on the side of this face it made your heart drop.

She loved you, right? She wouldn't do that.

At this point you weren't sure what to believe. Your heart told you one thing but your mind told you another.

Stefani followed behind you as you walked down the stairs, "Baby, please don't leave. Just let me explain." She insisted. You grabbed a duffel bag from the laundry room to pack your clothes, clearly ignoring your girlfriend. Stefani grabbed the bag from you, making you huff. "What Stefani?!" You yelled. "What could you possibly want?!" You were getting more and more irritated. "Your really leaving me?" Tears formed in Stefani's eyes. You looked down at the ground, "Did you kiss him?" You bluntly asked. "No. No, oh my god baby. I didn't kiss him. I love you, your the only one that I need." Stefani dropped the bag, grabbing your hands in hers. "Babe, look at me." She lifted your chin with her index finger, gently kissing you. "Let me show you something." She pulled out her phone, opening her emails. "These were the original photos that were taken. My publicist emailed me saying that the photos were being edited to make it look like those lip stick stains were there but they weren't. It's all for publicity so that news sources can try and start something. The reason I tried hiding it was because I didn't want you to start freaking out. I was trying to get the removed as quickly as possible." Stefani showed proof of the email, showing you that absolutely nothing had gone on between Bradley and your girlfriend. You sadly smiled, tears began to fall. "Fuck, I'm sorry." You cried. Stefani placed her phone down, she immediately took you into her arms, hugging you tightly. "Don't cry, it's okay baby doll. I would've been upset too. You just needed to listen to what I was trying to say. That's all." She cooed. You cried harder, feeling ashamed about the fact that you didn't listen. "I'm so stupid." You whispered. Stefani grabbed your face, holding it in her hands, "Don't say that. Your not stupid. You are the most intelligent, amazing, beautiful, kind woman I've ever met in my life. I fell in love with you, and I plan to stay with you for the rest of my life. I want to get down on one knee and give you the most beautiful ring that I can find. I want to watch as you walk down the isle. I want to grow a family with you. I want everything with you and only you." Stefani lovingly replied. You smiled through your tears, you knew that Stefani would do anything for you. "I love you more than anything. I didn't mean to overreact, I just panicked, I didn't know what to do."

Stefani pulled you by your hips, she led you towards the stairs as she guided you to your bedroom.

As you both entered the room, she took you to the bed you both shared, laying down, taking you down with her.

She held you tightly, taking in your vanilla scented shampoo. "Forget the dinner party. I'll just tell them I'm sick or something." Stefani answered. You softly laughed, "Stefi, that dinner is important." She smirked, "Not as important as you." She reminded, shaking her finger. You couldn't help but blush, hiding your face in her neck. "Oh, my baby is shy isn't she?" Stefani teased. You playfully hit her chest, "Shut up." You laughed. Stefani laughed too, she planted kisses all over your face. "You've got nothing to be shy about. Your my priority right now baby." She smirked. "Well, your baby is a bit needy right now." You said with a naughty tone as an idea popped into your head. Stefani knew exactly what you meant. "Oh really? Is she now?" She smirked, "Tell me, what do you want princess?" Her hands traveled down your body, slightly teasing you. You smirked, "I need your fingers and your mouth in me." You practically whined. "That's my girl." She chuckled, tracing circles on your thigh. "Stefi, stop stalling, please just fuck me for gods sake." You begged. "Hm, maybe I should leave you like this. It's so sexy when your so whiny." She said, moving her hands to your ass. You whimpered as she lightly smacked your ass, "Please." You begged in her ear. "Why shouldn't I leave you like this pretty girl? It's so attractive." She bit her lip. "B-because you love me." You told her. She chuckled, beginning to kiss down your jaw line, "I do. But I also know what you need. And maybe you just need to be left needy today." She tortured you with the idea.

You knew that Stefani would never leave you like this if it was actually harming you. You also knew that all of this 'talk' was just to make you beg. She would always give you what you wanted at the end of the day.

She may like teasing you, but if at any moment you really needed her to make love to you without this teasing role play, you knew that you could tell her and she'd instantly listen.

"I should punish you for not listening to me."She kissed down your neck. "Is that what you want? Hm?" She asked. "N-no, you gave me a heart attack. I shouldn't be punished." You defended. "Your right. But you tried to leave, and you know that I don't like when my princess does that." She pointed out, clearly just trying to mess around with you, allowing you to whine even more. But you played along. "Stefani, please just fuck me. I need you right now and if you don't I'll do the job myself."  You teased knowing that she didn't like when you finished yourself off. She instantly flipped you over, hovering on top of you, "Alright, I'll give you what you need my princess, you've just gotta say it again, what do you want?" Clearly seeing how desperate you were. "I need your mouth and fingers." You whined again. Stefani smiled, clearly satisfied with your whines,

"What my princess wants, she gets."

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