𝙳𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎:

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Your body glowed as the sun reflected on your soft skin. You rested on a beach towel, your shades covered your face, and one of your legs were propped up while the other rested on the towel. The sound of the waves crashing soothed you.

Stefani had decided to take the day off with her team to have a fun day at the beach while you peacefully stayed dry on the beach towel that you laid out. You didn't exactly love the beach. Coming back home with sand on every part of your body was not amusing. You did love the water, but the sand ruined it for you. However, on this particular day you didn't feel like going into the water.

You watched as Stefani would constantly get drowned out by waves, laughing at her as she struggled to get out. Of course you'd go after her if she was really drowning, but you knew that she was okay, her friends were with her anyhow.

You looked up at the blue sky, carefully listening to the peaceful sounds around you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Stefani walking towards you, a smile planted on her face as usual. "Hi baby." You greeted as she reached you. "Well hello there sexy." She teased. You covered your body, "Stop." You laughed at her. She knelt down next to you, removing your hands from your stomach, "I'm teasing baby. But looking at you in that bathing suit is quite a sight for sore eyes." She winked. "I'm not that attractive." You emphasized on the 'that.' Stefani's eyes widened, "Excuse me, who told you that lie?" She asked. "As far as I know, I've got the sexiest girlfriend." She confidently said. She leaned down, placing kisses on your neck. Your hands began to play with her hair. "Tell me, who's the prettiest girl ever?" She asked. You laughed, moving your head to the side to give her more access, "Hm, you?" You asked. Out of nowhere, Stefani bit down on your neck, creating a hickey. You jumped at the sudden bite, "Ouch." You yelped. She chuckled, licking the area she had bitten, planting a kiss there as well. "Wrong answer princess." She said. "It's still you." You tested her. She moved down to your collarbone, biting down once again, "Stefani!" You squealed. "Try again princess." She answered. "Okay, okay, okay, me!" You gave in. Stefani looked up at you, kissing your lips, "Good job. See it wasn't that hard." She said. You pouted, "Stefi, I don't have something to cover me. People are going to see this!" You pointed down at your hickeys. Your girlfriend amusingly chuckled, "Good. Then they know that your already taken and your not available." She winked. "I hate you." You teased her. "I could bite you again." She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. You covered your neck with your hands, smiling as you did, "No ma'am." You shook your head letting out a laugh. You knew that she obviously wouldn't bite you if you were serious, but it was fun to play along. Stefani wasn't the controlling type, she just loved teasing you. The blonde laughed, "I'm messing with you baby. Did I hurt you?" She asked, placing her fingers on the hickeys she created. "No honey, nothing I couldn't handle. I'm okay I promise." Your rubbed her cheek. Stefani always felt guilty after doing things like that. She didn't want to hurt you. Even in bed she was very loving and made sure you felt good. Whether it was her whispering sweet things to you, constantly complimenting your body as you reached your climax, or showering your body with kisses, she always had a way of showing her affection. She could be quite rough with you when you pushed her to be, but she didn't do it very often, she was afraid to hurt you.

Stefani smiled at you, she planted kisses all over your neck and face causing you to burst into fits of laughter. "Come in the water with me." She said. "No." You whined, pouting your lips. "Please." She said with her puppy eyes. You sighed, kissing her hand. "Fine." You said, giving in. You stood up from the beach towel that you laid on, you suddenly felt someone smack your ass, making you jump. "Stefani!" You playfully pouted. Your girlfriend laughed at you, "What? It's fun to mess with you." She smirked. "Yeah, but you didn't have to smack me that hard." You laughed. Stefani pulled you by the waist, she ran her hands up and down your ass, hiding her face in your neck again. She sucked on a part of your skin, nipping at it as well. You moaned from the pleasure as she did. Stefani looked up at you, a smirk was on her lips. "You forgive me baby girl?" She asked. "Mhm." You hummed. Stefani laughed at you, taking your hand, guiding you to the ocean.

As you reached the shoreline the cold water lapped at your feet making you jump, "Fuck no, it's too cold." You complained. Stefani picked you up, placing you over her shoulders as she marched into the water with you as you spat a whole ton of cuss words. "Stefani, fuck, put me down!" You yelled. Stefani laughed at you, "If you say so." She instantly let go of you, allowing you to fall in the freezing cold water. You panicked as you tried to reach the surface, but once you did a huge wave washed over you but not enough too take you out. In that moment you decided to mess with Stefani. 

You pretended to panic as if you couldn't find the surface, acting as if you were beginning to run out of air. Though your eyes stung from the salt water you didn't mind. You swam left and right, clearly causing a dramatic scene. You loved messing with Stefani like that.

Out of nowhere, you felt two arms wrap around you, pulling you up to the surface. "Hey, hey, y/n, baby breathe." Stefani ordered, trying to calm you down. Your breathing was out of control, you felt a bit  dizzy in that moment. You had probably stayed under water for a bit too long but you had to admit that it was a bit funny. Stefani held you in her arms, sure she was tiny, but you managed to be 2 inches shorter than her.

"It's okay, your okay, I've got you." She assured. You rested your head against her chest deciding too continue the prank, "S-Stefani." You stuttered. "Shh, it's okay princess. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen to you." She walked towards the shoreline sitting down with you in her arms. Sarah, Stefani's make up artist, made her way over to the two of you. She immediately gave you a concerned look, she then looked up at Stefani, then back at you, "Are you guys okay?" She asked. "She's okay. She got drowned out by waves and couldn't reach the surface. She and I both started to panic." Stefani explained. Sarah nodded, "Are you okay y/n?" She asked, giving you a sad look. You could only nod your head, still trying to stay in your current act. "Hey Sarah, can you grab her some water?" Stefani asked. Sarah smiled at her, "Yeah sure, I'll be back." She walked off, going to grab some water for you. Stefani looked down at you, seeing how 'shaken up' you claimed to be. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean for that to happen." She apologized again. You bit inside of your cheek, trying not to crack a smile, "No, it's okay. You didn't know." You told her. Stefani rested her head against yours, closing her eyes as a tear fell from her eye. You quickly wiped it away with your jittery hands, "Hey, no don't cry. It's okay. I'm okay." You tried to reassure her. Sarah approached the two of you, handing Stefani some water. She removed the cap, handing the water to you. You shook your head, not wanting the water. "C'mon baby. You need to drink a bit of water." Stefani said. You shook your head, hiding your face in your girlfriends chest. "Princes, c'mon." She kissed your forehead. You reluctantly took the water, taking a few sips before handing it back to her. "Thank you baby." She kissed your cheek. You gave her a weak smile, "Can we go home?" You asked. Stefani nodded, "Of course." She said. You got off of her lap, pretending to weakly stand up as you tried to walk towards your stuff. Stefani gripped your waist, holding onto you, allowing you to lean into her, which you did. "I love you." You whispered to her. "I love you too." She said. You laughed, "Oh and uh, that's payback for these love bites right here." You smirked, running away from Stefani before she could do anything else. "You faked that?! Y/n! Get your ass over here!" Stefani ran after you. You ran to your towel, trying to run off but Stefani caught up to you. She picked you up and laid you on the sand, pinning your hands above your head. "You faked that?!" She screamed. You laughed, "I'm a good actress, aren't I?" You smirked. Stefani playfully scowled at you, "Baby! You scared me! Why would you do that?!" She pouted. You couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry not sorry." You shrugged. Stefani smirked, placing her head in your neck, knowing exactly what she was doing. "No!" You squealed, laughing hysterically. Stefani nipped at your skin, creating more and more love bites. "Baby!" You screamed, laughing harder and harder. She moved down to your collarbone once she was satisfied with your neck. She created multiple hickeys there, before moving down to the valley of your breasts.

Once she was done with her so called, 'payback' she looked up at you, admiring her 'work of art' once she was satisfied. "Prefect!" She said. You were laughing so hard that you started to cry, "Babe! People are going to see that!" You playfully whined. Stefani laughed, "If only you were this whiny in the bedroom." She joked. "I am!" You laughed, defending yourself. "But seriously, people are going to see this!" You complained. "That's your punishment princess." She winked. You teasingly rolled your eyes, "I'll get you back. Just you wait." You threatened. "I don't think so! You gave me a heart attack that's enough." Stefani pointed out. You rolled on top of the woman, "I could get you back right now." Stefani smirked at you,

"Do it."

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