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⚠️ Warning: If the topic of abuse may trigger you please don't read this. ⚠️

"Y/n it's a photoshopped picture! I didn't kiss a fan!" Stefani yelled, chasing after you as you angrily walked up the stairs. "Well that must be some really good photoshop then because it clearly has me fooled!" You sarcastically said, throwing your arms in the air. "Oh for gods sake y/n, when will you get into your head that I love you and only you!" Stefani yelled. You spun around as you reached the top of the stairs, "You clearly don't! You kissed a fucking fan, so don't fucking lie to me. If you stopped loving me you could've just told me!" You yelled, a tear rolling down your cheek as you finished your sentence realizing how painful those words were to say. "You don't think I love you?" Stefani asked, taken back by what you said. "I'm not sure anymore Stefani. After seeing that, I think I need to leave for a bit." You croaked out. Stefani's heart dropped, she suddenly felt dizzy, "What? No. Please don't leave me. Y/n, baby, that wasn't even a real photo! Why don't you believe me???" She cried. You shook your head, "And what proof do you have of that?" You asked. Stefani bit her lip, closing her eyes as another tear escaped, "I don't have any. The fan that took the photo is the only one who has the original photo. You just have to believe me." She told you. You felt your heart begin to shatter, "Stefani, please don't lie to me. Please just tell me the truth. Did you kiss her?" You cried, genuinely asking for the real answer. "No." She shook her head, still denying it. You sighed, looking down at the ground. You bit your lip, slowly turning around as you walked to the master bedroom. "Y/n where are you going?" Stefani asked, running after you. You painfully ignored her, walking into the closet, grabbing your suitcase and opening it up as you began to shove your things inside. Stefani caught up to you, becoming hysterical. "Y/n, no, please stop. I'm telling the truth!" She pleaded. More tears escaped your eyes, you tried to block out her cries but you couldn't.

You were leaving the woman you loved.

You walked past Stefani, walking into the bedroom. The woman wasted no time catching up to you, grabbing your wrist, "Y/n," She cried. You couldn't bring yourself to look her in the eyes. "I didn't kiss her, I swear on everything that I didn't. I love you. I would never do that!" She claimed. "Stefani, there's multiple articles about it." You pointed out, arguing back. Your girlfriend became anxious, "Yeah! With the same damn picture! If I would've really kissed her there would've been multiple angles and multiple photos!!!" She yelled, throwing her arms into the air. You winced, shielding your face, preparing for Stefani to hit you. Painful memories came flooding back into your mind.

"Please don't hit me."

"I'm sorry, please don't hurt me."

"I swear I won't do it again, don't hurt me. Please."

You remembered how many times you said those words. You had always been genuinely fearful for your well being whenever those words slipped from your mouth.

Yes, you had been in an abusive relationship. But you never told Stefani because you wanted to forget that part of your life. Little did you know, it would probably always be with you.

Remembering all the days that you suffered. Being constantly beat by someone who once had your heart.

After getting used to the constant abuse, your brain began to fog up and thoughts went nowhere at all. Sometimes you thought it was natures anaesthesia, anything to numb the pain, to wipe out the trauma.

You would often find yourself storing those painful memories in a box, closing the lid so that you could forget about them.

But no matter what, they were still there.

Stefani froze in shock, her eyes softened as she scanned your figure with her eyes multiple times. "Y/n, baby, why did you do that?" She nervously asked. Your heart began to pound, you slowly looked up at her, "I'm sorry, please don't be angry with me." You cried. Stefani hesitantly wrapped her arms around your waist, afraid that you would flinch again. She gently pulled you into her, crying harder as she did. "D-did, did you think I was going to hurt you?" She asked, looking at you with a concerned facial expression. You hid your face in her chest, "I'm sorry." That's all you could croak out. "Baby, it's okay, it's not your fault. But why did you do that?" She asked. "I, um, I'm not sure." You tried to convince her. She gently spoke to you, seeing that you were clearly triggered by something, "You don't have to tell me right now. But I know your lying. I know something happened to you but your not telling me. It's okay if your afraid and uncomfortable, I won't force you to talk. But please just know that I would never, ever hurt you." She assured. You whimpered, trying to hold back more tears, "S-she abused me." You cried. "What? Who baby?" Stefani asked. "My ex-girlfriend." You winced. Your girlfriend clearly tried to comprehend what you had just told her, "She did what?" Stefani asked in disbelief. "She used to hit me if I did something wrong. That's why I flinched." You explained. Stefani took your face into her hands, looking you in the eyes, "I'm so sorry baby. I'm so fucking sorry. You didn't deserve that." She whispered, rubbing your cheek softly. "But you can't keep that a secret. You need to talk to someone. You can't just wait for it to go away because it never will baby. If you let it, it'll only affect you way worse. I know it's hard to reopen that wound, but I'll be right here with you. I promise." She said, making you believe every single word. You weakly smiled, "Thank you. But I don't think I want to talk to someone, I'm too scared. I, I c-can't." You stuttered, more tears rolling down your cheeks. "I know. I know it's hard. I've had to reopen wounds that I didn't want too as well. But once I did, I felt so much better. I could finally breathe without feeling this constant weight on my shoulders. Please, please talk to someone. I promise it'll help you." Stefani promised. You cuddled into her again, hesitantly nodding your head, "Okay, as long as you stay with me." You said. Stefani kissed your head, giving you a weak smile, "Of course, I don't ever plan to leave, as long as you won't leave me right now." She said, referring to the fact that you were originally planning to leave before everything happened. You sighed, "I'm sorry. I believe you. I guess I was just paranoid, and," Stefani cut you off, kissing your lips gently. "Hey, it's okay. I know you might be hesitant about it still, but I give you my word. I didn't kiss any other girl. I love you. Okay?" She asked. You weakly smiled, "Okay." Before anymore words were exchanged, Stefani's phone buzzed. She gave you a kiss before walking towards it, attending to whoever needed her this very moment.

As Stefani reached for her phone, flipping it over to see the notification, a wide smile was seen on her face. You gave her a look of confusion. She walked over to you, handing you her phone. Your eyes widened as you saw what had made her so happy,

TMZ report say that the little monster who posted the photo of Lady Gaga supposedly cheating on her girlfriend, Y/n Y/l/n, has spoken out, confirming that the photo was indeed photoshopped.

You immediately felt guilt wash over you, "Fuck, I'm sorry." You said. Stefani took the phone out of your hands, pulling you into her. "Don't be sorry kitten, it's okay." She softly kissed you. "I'm an idiot for believing that." You covered your face, clearly upset with yourself. "Baby you are not an idiot. Please don't say that about yourself, it hurts me when you do." Stefani begged you. Out of habit, you apologized once again but that only made Stefani's heart ache even more. She ran her hands up and down your hips, kissing both hands that covered your face. "Kitten, please stop hiding your beautiful face." She pleaded. You shook your head, still ashamed.

"C'mon baby, don't do that." Stefani took your wrists into her hands, trying to break your strong grip, but you continued to fight. Stefani frowned, clueless as to what she could do to make you give in.

Your girlfriend smirked as she came up with an idea, she dipped her face into the side of your neck, finding your sweet spot, "Babygirl, listen to mommy." She smirked. You couldn't help but moan, out of habit your hands found her hair as you played with it, giving in. Stefani continued to suck on your neck, "Mm, good girl." She said. "Fucking hell." You muttered making your girlfriend smile.

"How far do you want to take this, hm? What do you want me to do? Make love to you? Tell me baby." She asked.

"Show me how much you love me." You told your girlfriend.

"Is that what your heart desires princess?" Stefani asked you.

"Y-yes." You told her, though her sucking on your neck made it almost impossible to speak clearly.

"Your okay right? I don't want to trigger you baby." Stefani asked, referring to the news you had just told her. "I'm okay. Just, be gentle." You told her.

Stefani softly kissed your lips, "Of course baby." You smiled at her, "Thank you."

With no hesitation, Stefani guided you to the bed, she placed you on the soft mattress that laid in the middle of the room you both shared. Your girlfriend instantly pulled your sweatpants down as she kissed you, pulling your underwear down as well, clearly not in the mood to tease you.

God this woman truly drove you crazy.

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