-Chapter 3: Karma Befriends a Fellow English Speaker-

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A/N Anything in bold and quotations is spoken in English.

Also I made up some of Karma's backstory. Most of it isn't canon.

Oh also none of Kami's is.

"That's my name!" Korosensei was smiling a big smile(as always) and Kayano and Nagisa ran up to him and hugged him.

"Wait, you guys know the Octopus?" Present Mic asks.

"Dude, that's our teacher." Karma answered. "Or at least he was."

"What do you mean was?" Midoriya

"It doesn't matter. But the good news is I have a second chance at killing you!" Karma smiled.

"WHAT!?" All the UA people were very surprised.

Korosensei's face turned orange with a circle, signaling 'correct'. "That's right! I can't wait to see the tactics you guys use this year!"

"Can someone please explain?" Midnight looked very confused.

"Korosensei here was killed by Mr. Shiota, and when he died he got transported here! If we don't kill him by next March, you can kiss this planet goodbye!" Nezu explained.

"Wait, you knew!?" Kaminari asked.

"Of course I did! I'm the Principal, after all!" 

"What does Akabane mean by 'again'?" Bakugou asked.

"Well, about two years ago, class 3E had to kill Korosensei, and Mr. Akabane here had some of the best killing methods, according to Korosensei." Nezu explained. "Personally, I found the suicide and the tacked-on knife the best methods." 

"Wait, SUICIDE!?" Everyone but Nezu, Karma, Nagisa, and Korosensei yelled. 

"The last of Karma's many consecutive attacks was him jumping off the side of a cliff, where if I went to go save him, he would shoot me, and if I didn't he would die and my teaching reputation would be ruined." Korosensei explained. "Don't worry, I found a loophole and no one was harmed. If I were a second slower, one of us would have died." Korosensei looked just about done with his monologue, until he added one more thing;

"Oh, don't worry about Karma's mental health. That was just an assassination attempt."

Yeah, just an assassination attempt. WHY WON'T ANYONE TAKE THE DAMN HINT!? Karma said it himself. My complexion is particularly pale because I don't eat enough. I don't mind if Korosensei kills me or my family. I jumped off a damn cliff. Do they really think I'm goddamn okay? Karma was kind of worried about everyone's obliviousness. 

But at least Karma finally got to kill a teacher.


After school on Monday, Denki sat in the common room, listening to the same angsty music as always. It was sort of a routine.

1. Wake up and get ready.

2. Go to school.

3. Learn nothing.

4. Get bullied by his 'friends'.

5. Go to the dorms.

6. Think about how worthless he is.

"Oh god, I just wanna die." Denki said in English.

"I'm sure your friends would love to hear that." A voice said from behind him.

"K-Karma! You speak English?" Kaminari was surprised.

"Hell yeah. You want to be careful, though. Nakamura's fluent as well, and Nagisa's almost as well. But everyone in my class can speak at least a little."

Denki nodded. He was pretty sure Nakamura was the blonde girl, and Nagisa was the boy who looked like a girl. But something was still bothering him.

"Are you going to tell my friends?" Denki asked.

Karma laughed. "Why would I do that? I'd personally hate it if anyone told someone else I were suicidal."

"Wait... you're suicidal?!" That was kind of surprising to Denki. Karma seemed like the kind of person who was just a maniac.

"Yeah. I'm most likely bipolar, and most people would call me a sadist. I guess there's a lot wrong with me." Karma looked up. "I'll get out of this life soon enough. But I can't let go until I kill a teacher. They've screwed me over one too many times."

Denki nodded. "Can I ask a question?"

"Fire away."

"What caused your hatred for yourself and life?" Denki was curious.

Karma sighed. "Well, for starters, my parents never wanted a kid, so they named me Karma because they believed me to be Karma for the bad things they had done. But, they are pretty successful, so I grew up pretty wealthy. But since their job required a lot of traveling, they never really spent that much time with me. Whenever they did have time for me, well, it was never the best. 

"My parents have a spare closet in my house called the 'Karma room'. This is a 4x4 closet with a small table. They locked me in there for months at a time. Every two weeks they'd give me a strawberry milk to drink, and very month they gave a little bit of food. This happened at least once a year the first five years of my life.

"One time, they locked me in there and forgot about me, and went right back to traveling. I knew I couldn't survive in there without food, so this is where my violent tendencies started. I tried to bust down the door, and after two weeks I finally did it. 

"Suddenly, this growing hatred for them started to grow. I wanted them to die. So badly. That's when I realized, they were dead. Dead to me, at least. I haven't seen them in 10 years.

"When I was 12, there was this bitch who was bullying a kid in 3E, the class where they send you when they don't know what to do with you. I fought him, beat him up, taught him a lesson. I almost killed him. Since he was a star student, I got suspended. He died as well. 

"Over the course of my suspension, I realized how horrible I was, in every way. I don't even know, I just wish I were dead." Karma sighed, signaling it being the end of the story.

"Well, compared to you, my sob story is kinda lame. My friends just make fun of me for being dumb and they bully me and whatnot. Nothing special."

"Just because my past is sad doesn't mean my reason to be depressed is more valid." Denki was surprised that Karma even cared about him. He seemed the type who cared about no one.

"Friends?" Denki asked.

"Friends." Karma nodded.

That's when Hiroto Maehara fell out of the sky. 

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